Rare and antiquarian books
Art and architecture
Antiquarian books on architecture from the 15th to the 18th century occupy a large place in our bookshop. They are generally illustrated with beautiful engravings. This category includes authors such as Piranesi, Raphael, Zocchi, Androuet du Cerceau, Abraham Bosse, Vitruvius, and many others, as well as books on festivals and entrances or even the works constituting the King’s Cabinet.
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Showing all 71 results
Buy BOUQUET, Simon / RONSARD, Pierre de / DORAT, Jean / PASQUIER, Étienne. Bref et sommaire recueil de ce qui a esté faict & de l’ordre t... One of the finest celebration books of the 16th century, illustrated in the first issue with 16 large woodcuts based on drawings by Jean Cousin.
Buy HANCARVILLE (P.-F. Hugues dit d') Antiquités étrusques, grecques et romaines gravées par F.A. David. ... Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities illustrated with 366 prints, most of them enhanced at the time in sepia watercolors, bound with the arms of Tsar Paul I (1754-1801). Paris,...
Buy CERILLO, Edoardo Dipinti murali di Pompei. Medaglie Istituto d’Incoraggiamento di Na... Pompeian wall paintings
Buy FOURNIER, Pierre-Simon. Manuel typographique, utile aux gens de lettres, & à ceux qui e... First edition of the most famous work dedicated to typographical art.
Buy BOUCHER, Juste-François. Recueil de décorations intérieures. First edition of the utmost rarity of this precious collection of interior design by the son of the painter François Boucher, illustrated with 60 plates in first issue.
Buy BARBARO, Daniele. La Pratica della perspettiva, opera molto profittevole a pittori, s... Precious and rare first edition of Barbaro's great architectural treatise, the first work of practical perspective published in Italy.
Buy BIDLOO, Govert Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje, en... First edition of one of the most beautiful Dutch festive books of the baroque period decorated with 16 sumptuous engravings in the first edition. First edition of one of the mo...
Buy WATTEAU, Antoine. Figures de différents caractères de Paysages & d’Etudes d... « Very rare » (Cohen) first edition of Antoine Watteau’s Figures de différents caractères, one of the most beautiful books of the history of French bibliophily.
Buy [MANUSCRIT] JOURNAL HISTORIQUE DE TOUTES LES BATAILLES. Sièges et Prises de Villes, Exploits de Guerre, et Evenemens les pl... Dedication manuscript illustrated with 9 large drawings of fortified places, watercolored on double-page including Ath, fortified by Vauban, in red morocco with dentelle and the...
Buy GRIGNETTE, Bégnine. Les Armes Triomphantes de son Altesse, Monseigneur, le duc d’Espernon. Édition originale de cette superbe Entrée à Dijon.
Buy BOSSE, Abraham Traité des Manières de dessiner les Ordres de l’Architecture Antiqu... “Bosse’s architectural book in three parts is an important step for the architectural theory in the middle of the 17th century”.
Buy [THIRY, Léonard / GOHORY, Jacques.] [Livre de la conqueste de la Toison d’or] Hystoria Iasonis Thessali... First edition of the Latin issue, much rarer than the French one.
Buy La Caricature. Journal fondé et dirigé par Ch. Philipon. Complete first edition of the main political and literary Journal of the Romantic period.
Buy DAUMIER, Honoré Les Baigneurs. The very rare complete suite of Honoré Daumier's Baigneurs caricaturing the France of Louis-Philippe.
Buy STRADA A ROSBERG, Jacopo et Ottavio de / BRAMER, Benjamin La première [et seconde] partie des desseins artificiaulx de toutes... Exceedingly rare work on mills and their mechanics.
Buy BOECKLER, George André. Architectura curiosa nova. First edition of the 200 engravings by Boeckler, dedicated to the fountains, gardens and castles of baroque Europe, in contemporary vellum.
Buy GUILMARD, Désiré. Le Garde meuble, Journal d’ameublement. Collection de sièges ... « Désiré Guimard wishes above all to share the furniture models of his time with the greatest accuracy, offering the enthusiasts and the professionals a huge illustrated catalog...
Buy SAVOT, Louis. L’Architecture française des bastimens particuliers. Composée par M... Extremely rare first edition of “this precious manual, which could be subtitled ‘’Painless Building‘’.
Buy Hortorum viridariorumque elegantes & multiplicis formae… Unique collection of 5 extremely rare first editions of 82 sixteenth century engravings on gardens, their architecture and embellishments.
Buy PERAU, l'abbé. Description historique de l’Hôtel royal des Invalides. The famous magnificent royal copy offered by King Louis XV to the Russian Empress Elisabeth 1st (6 December 1741- 5 January 1762).
Buy FONTANA, Domenico (1543-1607). Della trasportatione dell’ obelisco Vaticano et delle fabriche di N... First edition illustrated with 40 prints after the drawings of Domenico Fontana (1543-1607) illustrating the moving of the obelisk from the Vatican in 1590 as well as other proj...
Buy PIRANESI, Francesco. Pianta delle fabriche esistenti nella Villa Adriana Piranesi preserved in its contemporary Roman bindings.
Buy RAPHAËL. Sanzio d’Urbin. Loggie del Rafaele nel Vaticano. First edition in uniform contemporary binding.
Buy BOISSART, Jean-Jacques. Pars Romanae urbis topographiae & Antiquitatum, Qua succincté ... The most influential travel guide of Renaissance Rome.
Buy LE PAUTRE, Jean. Collection of ornamental engravings by J. Le Pautre. Important collection of 252 copper engravings by Jean le Pautre featuring ornamental motifs, architectural elements, fountains, columns, fireplaces, vases, mythological or bibl...
Buy BLONDEL, Nicolas-François. Cours d’architecture enseigné dans l’Académie Royale d&... Copy on large Holland paper.
Buy FELIBIEN DES AVAUX, Jean-François Description sommaire de Versailles ancienne et nouvelle. Avec des F... Illustrated first edition of the 'Description de Versailles'.
Buy SCHYNVOET, Simon. Voorbeeldex der Lusthof-Cieraaden zynde Piramiden, Eerzuylen en And... First edition of 1704 engraved with 54 plates of garden decorations and obelisks on very large Holland paper preserved in its original binding, an absolutely rare condition.
Buy PERCIER, Charles (1764-1838). FONTAINE, Pierre-François-Léonard (1762-1853). [Claude-Louis BERNIER et Léon DUFOURNY. Palais, Maisons, et autres édifices modernes, dessinés à Rome. The famous and superb copy from the Hermitage Palace with the two ex libris.
Buy [COLLECTION SPITZER]. The Spitzer Collection. Antiquity. Middle Ages – Renaissance. First edition of the monumental and superb catalogue of the Spitzer Collection with 342 magnificent illustrations, some enhanced with gold.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Essais sur la peinture ; par Diderot. Interesting and rare first edition of Diderot's uniting literature and art history in the 18th century.
Buy ANGELI, Francesco Maria. Collis Paradisi Amoenitas, sev sacri conventus Assisiensis historia... First edition of the first book printed in Montefiascone, featuring the first complete history of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.
Buy PATTE. Monumens érigés en France à la gloire de Louis XV, Précédés d’un Ta... The Monuments erected in France for the glory of King Louis XV of France. Presentation copy bound for King Louis XV of France.
Buy LABORDE, Alexandre Louis-Joseph, comte de Description d’un pavé en mosaïque découvert dans l’ancienne ville d... Rare first edition of this superb work of which only 160 copies were printed
Buy VISSCHER, Nicholas Speculum Zelandiae dat is Een Beschryvinge ofte Afbeelding der Sted... Visscher’s baroque atlas of the Netherlands
Buy FELIBIEN DES AVAUX, Jean-François Description de la nouvelle église de l’Hostel royal des Inval... First 12mo edition of the "Description des Invalides"
Buy GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco Los Proverbios. Colleccion de diez y ocho laminas invetadas y graba... The complete suite of “Los Proverbios” by Goya
Buy FALDA, Giovanni Battista Le Fontane di Roma nelle Piazze, e luoghi publici della Citta… Date... Rare and beautiful complete collection of 107 leaves engraved in 1691 of Falda.
Buy Torelli, Giacomo. Scene e machine preparate alle Nozze dit Teti… Décorations et... An exceptional collection of Baroque sets of theatre, architecture and decoration, engraved in first issue under the Regency of Anne of Austria and preserved in its contemporar...
Buy CANAL, Giovanni Antonio, "Il Canaletto" (artiste) et BRUSTOLON Giambattista (graveur). Prospectuum aedium, Viarumque insigniorum Urbis Venetiarum Nautico ... The most beautiful suite by Canaletto and Brustolon to appear on the market since half a century.
Buy PAAW, Petrus. Galerie de Rubens, dite du Luxembourg : ouvrage composé de vingt-ci... Superb collection of 24 paintings dedicated by Rubens to Marie de Medici’s life and intended to decorate the Luxembourg Palace.
Buy DUGOURC, Jean-Démosthène. Recueil de dessins et aquarelles originaux Collection of original drawings by Dugourc, one of the great French ornamentalists on the eve of the Revolution.
Buy BONNET, Pierre et Jacques. Histoire de la musique, et de ses effets, Depuis son origine jusqu’... The Histoire de la Musique bound for the Regent Philippe II, Duke of Orléans. Precious dedication copy bound in 1715.
Buy MERIGOT. Promenades ou itinéraires des Jardins de Chantilly, Orné d’un Plan ... First edition of the Jardins de Chantilly, printed on large vellum paper, preserved in its contemporary inlaid binding.
Sold Produit Anne of Britanny’s Book of Hours
Sold PIRANESI / PIRANESE Diverse maniere d’adornare i cammini… / Divers manners of ornamenti... Large collection of ornaments by the "Rembrandt of the architecture"
Sold BOCH, Jean Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum be... A masterpiece of baroque illustration
Sold PILES, Roger de Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres. Dédiée à Mo... Treatise on painting by Roger de Piles with the monogram of the duke of Richelieu
Sold BOSSE, Abraham Traité des pratiques geometrales et perspectives, enseignées dans l... Art and science of perspective by A. Bosse
Sold Turgot Plan de Paris, commencé l’année 1734, dessiné et gravé sur les ordr... The map of Paris by Turgot
Sold [MASTER GU BING].TANI BUNCHO. Florilège de la peinture chinoise.
Sold GLEIZES / METZINGER Du cubisme The centennial of the cubist movement
Sold LORIS, Daniel Le thresor des parterres de l’univers, contenant les figures ... "Le thresor des parterres de l'univers" by Loris
Sold Produit Collection of the most beautiful Parisian frontshops in the 19th century
Sold [CATALOGUE DE PAPIERS PEINTS]. [CATALOGUE OF WALLPAPERS]. Fabrique de Papiers Peints. Very interesting catalog of 234 samples of wallpapers offered for sale at the turn of the 20th century by the Parisian company Barbedienne.
Sold BRAUN & HOGENBERG Civitates Orbis Terrarum.
Sold DUTENS, Louis. Des Pierres précieuses et des pierres fines, Avec les moyens de les... Rare first edition of this highly sought-after gemmological treatise.
Sold ANDROUET DU CERCEAU, Jacques Livre d’Architecture de Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, Contenant les ... The greatest architecture masters of Renaissance
Sold [DU BELLAY, Joachim] / LE ROY, Louis Le Sympose de Platon, ou de l’amour et de beauté, traduit de Grec e... Extremely rare first edition of this French interpretation of Plato’s Symposium
Sold ANDROUET DU CERCEAU, Jacques Livre d’Architecture de Jacques Androuet du Cerceau, Contenant les ... Exceptional collection of three major classics of architecture
Sold LABORDE, Alexandre de. Description des nouveaux jardins de la France et de ses anciens cha... First edition of the most beautiful book on the gardens of France under the First French Empire
Sold Maniere de bastir Pour touttes fortes de personnes par Pierre le Mu... The great architectural work of Pierre Le Muet (1591-1669) in 106 full-page engravings.
Sold BOECKLER, George André. Theatrum machinarum novum, Dast ist : Neu-vermehrter Schauplatz der... First edition of the two great Baroque works of the German engineer George Boeckler
Sold BERGIER, Nicolas. Histoire des grands chemins de l’Empire romain, Contenant l’origine... The rare first edition of the Grands Chemins de l’Empire romain
Sold Les Plaisirs de l’Isle enchantée. Course de bague ; collation ornée...
Sold ZOCCHI, Giuseppe. Scelta di XXIV Vedute delle principali Contrade, Piazze, Chiese e P... Superb copy printed on large Holland paper of the “Zocchi”, the most beautiful engraved and illustrated book about Florence.
Sold NOVERRE, Jean Georges(1727-1810). Lettres sur la danse, sur les ballets et les arts (Observations sur... Definite edition of the famous “Letters on dancing and ballets” by J-G. Noverre (1727-1810) printed in St Petersburg in 1803-1804.
Sold LA CRUZ, Manuel et Juan de. Coleccion de trajes de Espana, tanto antiguos como modernos, Que co... A very rare collection of Spanish costumes entirely contemporary hand-colored.
Sold KRAFFT, Jean-Charles. Constructions, plans et décorations des Jardins de France, d’Anglet... Very sought-after definitive edition of the Constructions, plans et décorations des Jardins de France, d’Angleterre et d’Allemagne
Sold CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène (1786-1889). De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs, et de l’assort... First edition of this color theory’s founding text, extremely influential on arts.
Sold NAPOLEON Ier - COMOLLI, J. B. Projet d’une fontaine publique. Remarkable presentation copy printed on large imperial paper offered to the Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821). Parma, Bodoni, 1808.