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Beautiful bindings from the 15th to the 20th century are one of our specialities. From the 16th century bindings of Jean Grolier to those of Pierre-Lucien Martin in the 20th century, you will find in our bookshop a vast choice of bindings signed by the greatest bookbinders of their time: Derome, Bozérian, Chambolle-Duru, Capé, Paul Bonet… Our objective is to offer works preserved in their original bindings, as luxurious as possible and without any restoration. For books from the 16th to the 18th century, we offer a wide choice of bindings in morocco. For the 16th and 17th centuries, we are also sensitive to beautiful and authentic contemporary vellum.
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Showing all 180 results
Buy FOY DE LA NEUVILLE Relation curieuse, et nouvelle de Moscovie. Contenant, l’état prése... The mission of Foy de La Neuville to Russia in 1689
Buy Tapisseries du Roi, où sont représentez les quatre éléments et les ... The Tapestries ordered by Louis XIV for Versailles
Buy MAMEROT, Sébastien Les passages doultremer faitz par les francoys. Nouvellement imprim... Turkey, Syria, Palestine.
Buy OSIANDER Harmonie Evagelicae libri quatuor, in quibus evangelica historia […]. Extremely rare edition of this Protestant book
Buy NODIER Journal de l’Expédition des Portes de Fer rédigé par Charles Nodier... One of the rare copies not issued for sale of the Duke of Orleans' travel through Algeria
Buy LUSIGNAN OF CYPRUS, Father Estienne de Les généalogies de soixante et sept très nobles et très illustres m... An interesting genealogical study conducted in the 16th century on the Lusignans
Buy LE BLANC, Jean-Bernard Lettres de Monsieur l’Abbé Le Blanc, historiographe des bastimens d... Portrayal of the English customs of the 18th century by the protégé of Mme de Pompadour
Buy [LAMOIGNON, Guillaume de] Recueil des arrêtés de Monsieur le premier président de Lamoignon. A project of reform of the French legislation by Lamoignon
Buy [MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de] Lettre sur la comète Lettre sur la comète by Maupertuis
Buy BOSSUET Catéchisme du diocèse de Meaux Catéchisme du diocèse de Meaux by Bossuet
Buy ELUARD, Paul. Voir. Poèmes Peintures Dessins. "Voir" by Paul Eluard
Buy DU VERDIER, Gilbert Saulnier. Rozemire ou l’Europe délivrée. Dédiée à Madame la Duchesse de Merco... “Rozemire ou l’Europe délivrée” with the arms of the comtesse de Verrue
Buy CERVANTES Vida y Hechos del Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, compu... "Don Quixote de la Mancha", with the arms of the Princess of Lamballe.
Buy ARISTOPHANES. Comoediae novem, en grec. Editio princeps of Aristophanes’ "Comedies".
Buy FROISSART Le Premier [Second / Tiers / Quart] volume de l’Histoire et Croniqu... Froissart's Chronicles
Buy GRESSET, Jean-Baptiste Louis Œuvres choisies de Gresset précédées d’un essai sur sa vie et ses é... An exceptional mosaic binding by Vogel
Buy KIRCHER, Athanasius. Obeliscus Pamphilius, hoc est, interpretatio Nova & hucusque in... Hieroglyphic decipherment according to Kircher
Buy PISO, Willem and MARCGRAF, Georg Historia naturalis Brasiliae, Auspicio et Beneficio Illustriss. I. ... “The only illustrated work on Brazilian natural history”
Buy FLOQUET, Jean-André Canal de Richelieu en Provence et dépendances. Délibérations de l’A... First edition of the report of the general assembly’s deliberations held by the company of the Provence Canal on April 1752.
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre and Thomas. Les Chef-d’œuvres dramatiques de Mrs. Corneille, avec le Jugement d... Nice edition of Pierre and Thomas Corneille’s “Masterpieces”
Buy CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand Voyage au bout de la nuit. First edition of the “Journey to the End of the Night” by Céline
Buy RELIURE BAROQUE PARLANTE EN ARGENT. Reliure baroque parlante en argent de la fin du XVIIe siècle. Baroque silver reliure parlante made in all likelihood in Vienna at the end of the 17th century.
Buy DAVILA, Henri-Catherin Histoire des guerres civiles de France. Contenant tout ce qui s’est... The great history of the French Wars of Religion by Davila.
Buy [BERNARD, P. J.-B] La Reconstruction de l’Eglise Sainte Geneviève [Le Panthéon]. Ode, ... The reconstruction of the Pantheon by Soufflot
Buy CERVANTES Histoire de l’admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche.
Buy OVIDE / OVID Metamorphoseos libri moralizati. [Commentaires par Lactantius Placi... First illustrated edition from Lyons of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, illustrated with 16 beautiful woodcuts in first issue.
Buy Doctor Navier, Physician of King Louis XVI. Contre-poisons de l’arsenic, du sublimé corrosif, du verd-de-gris e... Precious volumes that belonged to the author, the doctor of King Louis XVI, offered to Queen Marie-Antoinette and contemporary bound in red morocco decorated with her wide arms.
Buy BOUCHET Sensuit le labyriht de fortune et Sejour des trois nobles dames Com... Rare first Parisian edition of the Labyrinthe de Fortune
Buy TORY, Geoffroy. Bréviaire. The breviary of the Benedictine nuns of Saint Susan illustrated by Geoffroy Tory in 1533, decorated with gorgeous fanfare binding from the 16th century in a perfect state of con...
Buy CHARRON, Pierre Les Trois veritez. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée & de beauco... The first work of Pierre Charron, the friend of Montaigne.
Buy The Count, Louis. Nouveaux Mémoires sur l’état présent de la Chine. Complete first edition of the "Mémoires sur la Chine" by Louis Le Comte.
Buy Album pintoresco de la isla de Cuba. One of the few testimonies of daily life in Cuba in the 19th century, illustrated with 27 chromolithographs.
Buy PAW. Monumens érigés en France à la gloire de Louis XV, Précédés d’un Ta... The Monuments erected in France for the glory of King Louis XV of France. Presentation copy bound for King Louis XV of France.
Buy NAUDOT, Jean-Jacques. Chansons Notées de la très vénérable Confrérie des Francs-Maçons Pr... The dedication copy bearing the arms of Louis de Bourbon-Condé.
Buy MORISOT, Claude Barthélemy Orbis maritimi sive rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis ... First and unique edition of the first encyclopedia dedicated to the maritime world.
Buy BOUQUET Für Musen und Menschen Freunde zum Neujahrsgeschenke 1808. Very rare Empire binding with musicians, painted on enamel.
Buy Chateaubriand, François René de. Congrès de Vérone. Guerre d’Espagne. Négociations : colonies espagn... First edition of the Congrès de Vérone preserved in its elegant contemporary binding.
Buy RABELAIS Œuvres de maître François Rabelais, publiées sous le titre de Faits... First critical and commented edition of Rabelais’ Works illustrated with the portrait of the author, with the map of the region of Chinon and with 3 engravings by la Devinière.
Buy CALMET, Dom Augustin, Abbot of Senone. Histoire des Juifs et du Nouveau Testament (titre de départ du volu... Don Calmet’s "Histoire des Juifs" sumptuously bound in contemporary citron morocco with lace with the arms of Comte Henri de Calenberg (1685-1772), one of the most famous biblio...
Buy Boileau-Despréaux. Œuvres diverses avec le Traité du sublime ou du merveilleux dans le... First edition of Boileau’s Works bound in contemporary morocco.
Buy [PELLETIER DE FREPILLON]. Essai sur la taille des arbres fruitiers. Par une Société d’amateurs. The art of pruning fruit trees.
Buy AUBERT, Jean-Louis. Fables et Œuvres diverses Beautiful copy in red morocco with the arms of the Queen Marie-Antoinette.
Buy DELLILE, Jacque. Les Jardins. Poëme. Rare and beautiful specimen of “en vernis Martin binding” recovering a book printed by Herhan with his new method of stereotyping.
Buy BONNET, Pierre and Jacques. Histoire de la musique, et de ses effets, Depuis son origine jusqu’... The Histoire de la Musique bound for the Regent Philippe II, Duke of Orléans. Precious dedication copy bound in 1715.
Buy EMBROIDERED AND COAT-OF-ARMS BINDING IN VELVET - ANTIPHONARY. Antiphonae, Capitula, Hymni, & Orationes Ad Vesperas in Solemni... Rare specimen of illuminated handwritten antiphonary preserved in its contemporary binding embroidered with silver thread and emblazoned.
Buy HANCARVILLE (P.-F. Hugues, known as d') Antiquités étrusques, grecques et romaines gravées par F.A. David. ... Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities illustrated with 366 prints, most of them enhanced at the time in sepia watercolors, bound with the arms of Tsar Paul I (1754-1801). Paris,...
Buy BENCIRECHI, Abbot. Leçons hebdomadaires de la langue italienne à l’usage des Dames. Su... The famous Leçons hebdomadaires de la langue italienne à l’usage des Dames preserved in its contemporary morocco binding with the arms of Elisabeth-Philippe-Marie-Hélène of Fra...
Buy : Codice di Procedura Civile. Codice di Procedura Civile Pel Regno d’Italia. Edizione originale e... First edition of the Code of Civil Procedure for the Kingdom of Italy.
Buy CATO, Valerius. Ethica, cum comment. amplissimis Philippi Bergomensis. This "rare" princeps edition (Brunet), of great reputation in the Middle Ages achieved considerable prices at public auction, higher than the famous original of Les Précieuses r...
Buy [PHILIPPE D’ORLEANS REGENT]. Reglement du Roy, et instructions touchant l’administration des har... The regulations of the Regent Philippe d’Orléans enacted between 1717 and 1719 bound in 1724 in red morocco with the arms and crowned cypher of the young Louis XV (1715-1774).
Buy VAN DER MEULEN, Adam François. Recueil de 34 estampes, la plupart doubles ou plusieurs fois replié... Presentation copy offered by King Louis XIV of the famous collection of Van der Meulen, the most beautiful seventeenth century French illustrated book bound in contemporary red ...
Buy MELANCHTHON, Philip / [CARION]. Des Faictz et gestes du roy François, premier de ce nom ; précédé d... First edition in French of legendary rarity preserved in its pure and beautiful contemporary binding from Lyons with coloured wax.
Buy APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume. Alcools. Poèmes. Unique copy, specially printed for the printer Arrault.
Buy THE FOUNTAIN Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de la Fontaine et par luy rev... First collected edition of La Fontaine’s Fables, the only one printed and corrected under the author’s direction. It is of the highest interest and of the greatest importance.
Buy BEVY, Abbé Charles-Joseph de. Histoire des inaugurations des rois, empereurs, et autres souverain... 81 French costumes from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century.
Buy GOETHE, Johann-Wolfgang. Les Souffrances du jeune Werther. Traduction nouvelle orné de trois... The Sorrows of Young Werther: Goethe's fame is made and his name will long remain attached to this literary event, to the first German novel that truly crossed the borders of Ge...
Buy LONDON, Jack. The Call of the Wild. First edition of this adventure novel by Jack London which action takes place during the gold rush era.
Buy GAUTIER, Théophile Le Capitaine Fracasse. Rare first edition of the Capitaine Fracasse, Théophile Gautier's masterpiece, preserved in its elegant contemporary binding.
Buy Homer. L’Odisee d’Homère Traduict de grec en françois, par Claude Boitel A... The first French prose translation of Homer's entire Odyssey.
Buy SIMON DE COLINES. Horae en Laudem beatissimae virginis Mariae ad usum Romanum. The iconographic genius from the Renaissance preserved in a contemporary binding with a decoration inspired by Francis I of France and Jean Grolier.
Buy ISOCRATES. Orationes omnes [Graece], quarum nomina in sequenti invenies pagina... The Works of Isocrates printed in Greek in 1540 bound at the time for Marcus Függer (1529-1597), rival of Giovanni Batista Grimaldi.
Buy ABRAHAM BAR HIYYA. Sefer Zurat ha-Erets… Sphaera mundi, describens figuram terrae disp... Exceedingly rare first edition, bilingual Hebrew-Latin, of the most famous treatise on astronomy by Abraham bar Hiyya.
Buy CICERO, Marcus Tullius Cicero, 103-43 B.C. Œuvres complètes de M. T. Cicéron, traduites en français, avec le t... The first and most precious French collective edition of Cicero’s Works sumptuously contemporary bound in red morocco by Simier, the king’s binder, with the arms of the Duchess ...
Buy ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT [Heures à l’usage de Paris]. Very pleasant illuminated Parisian manuscript illustrated with 6 large miniatures bound in an elegant 16th century binding.
Buy LEMERCIER DE NEUVILLE, Louis. Théâtre des Pupazzi. The Pupazzi of Lemercier de Neuville through 18 plays each illustrated with a beautiful etching.
Buy FRIZON, Pierre. La Saincte Bible Françoise, Selon la vulgaire Latine reveuë par le ... “We believe that this heraldic iron (combining a fleur-de-lys and a dolphin, both surmounted by the crown of the princes of the blood, here repeated 3 times on the back of each...
Buy MADAME DE GENLIS. Théâtre à l’usage des jeunes personnes. First edition of « the first modern work of education focused on the truth, the reality and the beautiful”.
Buy AGRICOLA, Georgius De re Metallica. The only known copy of this original scientific edition preserved in its beautiful contemporary blind-stamped pigskin binding from Basel with its original clasps preserved.
Buy ALMANAC or calendar for the year 1697 Exactement supputé sur l’élévation et le méridien de Paris. Où sont... « These volumes have become of the utmost rarity, better to say to be true, unobtainable». (Comte de Montgrand, year 1862).
Buy PARIS TRADE ALMANAC, of the departments, the French Empire, and the main cities of the world; par J. de la Tynna, de la Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie ... The Trade Almanac for the year 1812 contemporary bound with the arms of the Emperor Napoleon 1st (1769-1812).
Buy IMPERIAL ALMANAC LEAP YEAR 1812 PRESENTED TO HIS MAJESTY THE EMPEROR AND KING. Almanach Impérial. Imperial Almanac bound in green morocco with the supposed monogram of Joseph Fouché, an exceedingly rare provenance.
Buy BALBUS, Johannes (d. 1298). Catholicon. The famous "Catholicon" completed by Koberger on 21 August 1486, complete, preserved in its decorated workshop binding of the time.
Buy OLD BELGIAN LACE. formant la collection de Feue Madame Augusta Bnne Liedts, et donnée... Magnificent and impressive binding in blue morocco with gilt dentelle and large arms in mosaic in the center of the covers, signed Desamblancx-Weckesser.
Buy BOSSUET, Jacques Bénigne Méditations sur l’Evangile. Ouvrage posthume. First edition of Bossuet’s Méditations sur l’Evangile bound in contemporary red morocco with the arms of Charles-Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille du Luc, successively bishop of...
Buy BOCK, Hieronymus. Kreutterbuch darin vnderscheidt Name(n) vnnd würckunng der Kreutter... The famous herbarium by Bock from 1572, illustrated with 500 engravings in contemporary colors.
Buy FLECHIER, Esprit. Oraison funebre de tres-haut et puissant Seigneur Messire Michel Le... The illustrious funeral oration of Michel Le Tellier, chancellor of France, pronounced by Esprit Fléchier. Precious and magnificent copy printed on large paper bound with the a...
Buy PERRAULT, Charles La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis. Nouvelle. Extremely rare first edition of the first fairy tale by Charles Perrault « La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis », preserved in its contemporary binding with th...
Buy [MANUSCRIPT] HISTORICAL JOURNAL OF ALL THE BATTLES. Sièges et Prises de Villes, Exploits de Guerre, et Evenemens les pl... Dedication manuscript illustrated with 9 large drawings of fortified places, watercolored on double-page including Ath, fortified by Vauban, in red morocco with dentelle and the...
Buy BOSSUET, Jacques Bénigne Traitez du libre-arbitre, et de la concupiscence. Ouvrages posthume... Magnificent copy of the first edition of the Traité du Libre-Arbitre by J.B. Bossuet contemporary bound in red morocco with the arms of Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, nephew of the gr...
Buy DEMIDOFF. Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la V... Demidoff’s travel in Russia and Crimea illustrated with 25 plates out of pagination.
Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. La Henriade. Imprimé par ordre du Roi pour l’éducation de Monseigne... The first work published by Didot Fils and one of the rarest and most beautiful illustrated books of the eighteenth century.
Buy CODICE DI PROCEDURA CIVILE PEL REGNO D’ITALIA. Edizione originale e la sola ufficiale. First edition of the Code of Civil Procedure for the Kingdom of Italy.
Buy DESCRIPTION OF THE FESTIVITIES given by the city of Paris DESCRIPTION DES FESTES données par le ville de Paris, à l’occasion ... First issue of one of the most beautiful festival books of the 18th century.
Buy SCHILLER, Friedrich Von. Œuvres dramatiques… traduites de l’allemand ; précédées d’une... First edition of Baron Prosper Brugière de Barante's French translation of Friedrich von Schiller's dramatic works.
Buy GEYLER VON KAISERBERG. Sermones prestantissimi Sacrarum literarum doctoris Joanis Geilerii... Copy preserved in its original blind-stamped pigskin binding over wooden boards.
Buy BOURDALOUE, Le P. Louis. Exhortations et instructions chretiennes. The sumptuous Bourdaloue of Madame Victoire bound by Derome in a contemporary dentelle morocco binding with arms.
Buy SABATIER DE CASTRES, Abbot Les trois Siècles de la Littérature française ou tableau de l’espri... The precious volumes of Queen Marie-Antoinette bound in Versailles by Fournier, intended for her personal library at the Petit Trianon with the monogram C.T. at the tail of the...
Buy LINDLEY, Thomas Voyage au Brésil ; où l’on trouve la description du pays, de ses pr... First French edition "rarer than the first English " according to Borba de Moraes.
Buy JOINVILLE, Jehan Lord of. Histoire de Saint Louis. Les Annales de son règne, par Guillaume de... First edition printed by the Imprimerie Royale of "the first example of testimonial literature".
Buy [PAPILLON DE LA FERTÉ, Denis-Pierre-Jean]. Extrait des différens ouvrages publiés sur la vie des peintres. First edition of this "portable directory" dedicated to painters and their schools of painting.
Buy PERRAULT, Charles Courses de testes et de bague faites par le Roy et par les Princes ... The realization of King Louis XIV’s childhood dream.
Buy THE CORONATION OF LOUIS XV, King of France and Navarre. LE SACRE DE LOUIS XV, Roy de France et de Navarre, dans l’église de... The Coronation of Louis XV bound in blue morocco with the king’s arms.
Buy WEIS, J.M. Représentation des fêtes données par la ville de Strasbourg Pour la... The festivities hosted by the city of Strasbourg during the stay of King Louis XV in October 1744 illustrated with 11 superb double-page engravings.
Buy SILHON, Jean de. . De la Certitude des connaissances humaines. Où sont particulièrem... First edition of the final part of the Ministre d’Etat.
Buy LEFEVRE, Jacques. Nouveau recueil de tout ce qui s’est fait pour et contre les protes... First edition of this important work on the consequences for Protestants of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
Buy MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres de Clément Marot de Cahors, valet de chambre du Roy. Rev... Perhaps the most famous copy preserved in its mosaic bindings of the time of the most valuable edition of the Works of Clément Marot (1495-1544) printed in the seventeenth cent...
Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. La ligue ou Henry le Grand, poème épique. First edition of “La Henriade” in extremely rare contemporary morocco with arms.
Buy FROMAGEOT (The Abbot). Annales du règne de Marie-Thérèse, Impératrice douairière, Reine de... “One of the most successful works by Moreau le jeune” (Cohen).
Buy LIONS, J. Histoire de S. A. R. Mgr le Duc de Berry, assassiné dans la nuit du... J. Lions and the assassination of the Duc de Berry. Extremely rare first edition.
Buy LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. ‘The Princess of Cleves’ printed on fine vellum paper.
Buy IMPERIAL POSTS. État général des routes de poste de l’Empire Français, du royaume d... The stunning copy of the « Postes Impériales for 1812 ».
Buy SACCO, Luigi. Trattato di Vaccinazione con osservazioni sul Giavardo e vajuolo pe... Precious presentation copy on very large vellum paper illustrated with 4 folding plates in colour.
Buy MARTIN DU GARD, Roger. Confidence africaine. First edition of which 600 numbered copies were printed on chamois laid paper.
Buy BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques-Henri. Paul et Virginie et la Chaumière indienne. One of the most beautiful productions of the Romantic period, the lavishly illustrated edition of Paul et Virginie edited by Curmer.
Buy MONSTRELET, Enguerrand de. Le premier (second et tiers) volume de Enguerrand de Monstrelet Ens... The famous illustrated Chronicles of France by Monstrelet printed by Anthoine Verard in the year 1503.
Buy PAULMY, Marquis de. Mélanges tirés d’une grande bibliothèque. (De la lecture des Livres... First edition of one of France's 18th century most captivating literary and bibliophilic ventures, cited and described by Ernest Quentin-Bauchart.
Sold TAVERNIER, Jean-Baptiste Les six voyages de Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, en Turquie, en Perse, e... The six journeys in Asia by Tavernier with illustrations
Sold BRAUN & HOGENBERG Civitates Orbis Terrarum.
Sold CRAMER Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l’Asie, l’Afrique et... Tropical butterflies from around the world
Sold MOURADJA D'OHSSON, Ignatius de Tableau général de l’empire Othoman, divisé en deux parties, dont l... The most important book from the 18th century dedicated to the Ottoman Empire
Sold Produit Anne of Britanny’s Book of Hours
Sold MAYERBERG, Augustin, baron de Voyage en Moscovie d’un Ambassadeur, Conseiller de la Chambre Impér... Account of travel to Russia in the 17th century by a German diplomat
Sold OVIDE / OVID Publii Ovidii Nasonis Operum. Ovid's Works in wonderful bindings by Dubuisson
Sold PILES, Roger de Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres. Dédiée à Mo... Treatise on painting by Roger de Piles with the monogram of the duke of Richelieu
Sold [MAUGARD, Antoine] Remarques sur la noblesse. Dédiées aux Assemblées provinciales. A study conducted on the French nobility on the brink of the Revolution
Sold BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE. Paul et Virginie et la Chaumière indienne. Paul et Virginie in a splendid binding "in the Indian manner"
Sold TITE-LIVE Titi Livii Historiarum Libri. Titus Livius, Jules Janin's wonderful copy
Sold LE LIVRE DES MILLE NUITS ET UNE NUIT. Traduction littérale et compl... The Thousand and One Nights illustrated with oriental design on the covers
Sold BOSSUET Traitez du libre-arbitre, et de la concupiscence. Ouvrages posthumes. Treatises by Bossuet composed for the education of the future sovereign
Sold BOSSE, Abraham Traité des pratiques geometrales et perspectives, enseignées dans l... Art and science of perspective by A. Bosse
Sold VOLTAIRE Théâtre complet Voltaire's "Theatre"
Sold FAVART, Charles Simon L’Anglois à Bordeaux ; comédie en un acte et en vers libres ; Par M... Comedy by Favart celebrating peace with England
Sold GLEIZES / METZINGER Du cubisme The centennial of the cubist movement
Sold GAUTIER, Théophile Le Roman de la Momie. Quarante-deux composition originale de Alex. ... "The Romance of the Mummy" by Théophile Gautier, illustrated by Alexandre Lunois
Sold TACHARD, Guy. Voyage de Siam, des Pères Jésuites, Envoyés par le Roy aux Indes &a... The illustrated "Journey in Siam" by Tachard, bound for the Grand Condé
Sold [BINDING] Vocabularius utriusque iuris perutilis ac valde necessarius… A superb ornamental binding from the very early XVIth century
Sold Heures Nouvelles Outstanding book of Hours
Sold PROUST A la recherche du temps perdu. "A la recherche du temps perdu" by Marcel Proust
Sold CURMER Imitation de Jésus-Christ. The "Imitation of Jesus-Christ" by Curmer
Sold PESSELIER, Charles-Etienne Fables nouvelles. Pesselier's Fables
Sold CAZOTTE Le Diable Amoureux Rare and beautiful illustrated edition of Cazotte's "Devil in Love"
Sold MONTFORT, Father Alphonse de Produit Mourning binding made for the queen Anne of Austria.
Sold BARBE, Simon Le Parfumeur royal "Le Parfumeur royal" by Barbe
Sold ANTIPHONAIRE. Recueil des antiennes a chanter accompagnant les priè... Monumental antiphonary from the 15th century
Sold MAETERLINCK / LEPAPE L’Oiseau bleu. Décors et costumes pour l’Oiseau Bleu. "L'Oiseau bleu" wonderfully bound by Georges Baudin
Sold FROMENTIN, Eugène. Dominique. First edition of “Dominique” by Eugene Fromentin, a masterpiece dedicated to George Sand.
Sold FENELON Les Avantures de Télémaque fils d’Ulysse. Par feu Messire Fr. de Sa... Telemachus with the arms of Maria Feodorovna
Sold HEURES A L’USAGE DE ROME. Somptuous book of Hours illuminated by Gillet Hardouin
Sold SORBIERE, Samuel de. Relation d’un voyage en Angleterr où sont touchées plusieurs ... Dedication copy to King Louis XIV of a travel relation through England
Sold LARBAUD Enfantines. “The charm of childlike loves memory”
Sold SAINT-AUGUSTIN De Civitate Dei. Cum Commento – De Trinitate. Precious reunion of two main treatises by Saint Augustine
Sold LA FONTAINE, Jean de Je vous prens sans verd. Comédie. “Rare first edition” (Tchemerzine) of this play in verse by La Fontaine
Sold ALMANACH ROYAL. Année bissextile 1780 présenté A sa Majesté pour la... Superb copy of this 1780 Royal Almanac
Sold LEGS Sacre et couronnement de Louis XVI, roi de France et de Navarre. A ... First edition and first issue of Louis XVI’s Coronation
Sold LE GOBIEN, Charles Histoire des Isles Marianes, Nouvellement converties à la Religion ... Rare first edition of Le Gobien
Sold PIGANIOL DE LA FORCE Nouvelle Description de la France : Dans laquelle on voit le gouver... First enlarged edition of the "Nouvelle description de la France"
Sold [MIRABEAU] L’Ami des hommes, ou Traité de la population. Nouvelle édition, Aug... First complete edition of “L’ami des Hommes”, extremely rare
Sold PLAUTUS Comoediae. Plautinae viginti comoediae emendatissimae, cum…, interp... First incunabula edition of Plaute’s Comedies, with Valla's comments.
Sold TITUS LIVY Historiarum quod extat, Cum perpetuis Gronovii et Variorum notis. Precious edition of Titus Livius’ Histories
Sold LORRIS, Guillaume & MEUNG, Jean de. Cy est le Rommant de la Rose. The "Romance of the Rose" printed in Paris in 1531 by Galliot du Pré, illustrated with 60 figures.
Sold LA LOUBERE, Simon Du Royaume de Siam. Par Monsieur de La Loubère Envoyé extraordinair... First edition of the best work about Thailand published in the 17th century
Sold Amoris divini et humani effectus varii Sacrae Scripturae Sanctorumq... Emblems illustrating Love
Sold Biblia Sacra Iuxta vulgatam editionem ad vetustissima exemplaria ca... The Biblia Sacra in 5 volumes
Sold FENELON Les Avantures de Télémaque, fils d’Ulysse.Suite du quatrième livre ... Extremely rare first edition of the first publication of the Avantures de Télémaque by Fenelon
Sold MERCATOR, Gerard. Atlas Sive Cosmographiae Meditationes De Fabrica Mundi Et Fabricati... Mercator’s famous atlas illustrated with 162 engravings, most of them on double-page, all watercolored at the time.
Sold Les Plaisirs de l’Isle enchantée. Course de bague ; collation ornée...
Sold MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, Queen of Navarre. Les Marguerites de la Marguerite des Princesses, très illustre royn... Rare copy bound in a red morocco binding with “grotesques” by Padeloup. From Horace de Landau’s library (1885).
Sold Homer. Illias (L’Iliade). Superb copy of Homer’s Iliad preserved in its Italian binding from the time in blind-stamped morocco.
Sold La Bible des Croisades ou Bible de Maciejowski. The superb reproduction of "The Crusader Bible" illustrated with 283 full-page miniatures enhanced with gold.
Sold BOCK, Hieronymus. Kreütterbuch, darin underscheidt, Nammen und Würckung der Kreütter,... First illustrated edition of the culinary Treatise of Hieronymus Bock (1498-1554), the father of German botany.
Sold CARMONTELLE, Louis Carrogis, known as, reader to the Duke of Chartres (1717-1806) Proverbes dramatiques Carmontelle (1717-1806), painter, architect, engraver and dramatic author, reader of the duke of Chartres, brings here at completion point this genre born in the previous centur...
Sold GALLAND, Antoine / SILVESTRE DE SACY, the Baron. Les Mille et une nuits contes Arabes traduits par Galla... Superb romantic edition of this French translation of the Thousand and One nights.
Sold LA CRUZ, Manuel and Juan de. Coleccion de trajes de Espana, tanto antiguos como modernos, Que co... A very rare collection of Spanish costumes entirely contemporary hand-colored.
Sold NOVERRE, Jean Georges (1727-1810). Lettres sur la danse, sur les ballets et les arts (Observations sur... Definite edition of the famous “Letters on dancing and ballets” by J-G. Noverre (1727-1810) printed in St Petersburg in 1803-1804.
Sold GAUTIER, Théophile Emaux et camées. "Charles Baudelaire said of this book that it was a pure masterpiece of a language magician. The first edition is very rare.” (Carteret).
Sold LA FONTAINE, Jean de Fables choisies mises en vers par J. de La Fontaine. Undoubtedly the most spectacular and prestigious copy of La Fontaine's Fables illustrated by Oudry
Sold MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Amphitryon, comédie. Attractive copy of "Amphitryon", one of Moliere’s masterpieces.
Sold NIDER, Johannes. Praeceptorium divinae legis. Remarkable copy of the first edition given in Cologne by Ulrich Zell (not after 1472) of J. Nider.
Sold GUTENBERG BIBLE (Reproduction). [Ou la « Bible à 42 lignes »]. Exemplaire de luxe de ce superbe fac... The Gutenberg Bible entirely illuminated and enhanced with gold.
Sold [ORDER OF SAINT MICHAEL]. Le Livre des Statuts & ordonnances de l’ordre Sainct Michel, es... Precious volume printed in Paris circa 1550.
Sold [COUNCIL OF TRENT]. Le Sainct, sacré, universel et général concile ... Partly original edition of the "Concile de Trente " (1545-1563) requested by Charles V sumptuously bound at the time by the Great Clovis Eve for the young king Louis XIII.
Sold VAUDONCOURT, Frédéric Guillaume de. Quinze années d’un proscrit. Rare first edition of this highly valued work in which a general of Napoleon retraces his atypical itinerary.
Sold LE QUIEN DE LA NEUFVILLE, Jean Usage des Postes chez les Anciens et les modernes : Contenant tous ... L''Usage des Postes' by Lequien de la Neuville with his coat of arms on the covers.
Sold RACINE, Jean Œuvres. The most beautiful illustrated edition of the 18th century of Racine’s Works bound in contemporary red morocco.
Sold Les Mille & un Jour, Contes Persans. Traduits en françois par ... 'Les Mille et un Jours, Contes Persans', preserved in their contemporary bindings with Maria Feodorovna's coat of arms.
Sold Maximes et Réflexions morales du duc de La Rochefoucauld. A superb copy on large paper bound in red morocco with the arms of the Duc de Rohan, quoted by Olivier.
Sold INTERESTING GIFTS des quatre parties du monde, et des troupes de France pour l’an sex... One of the most precious revolutionary bindings to appear on the market for several years.
Sold Pensées. Pascal's "Pensées" printed on fine vellum paper decorated with Pascal's portrait
Sold BOGUET, Henry (1550-1619). Discours des Sorciers, avec six advis en faict de Sorcelerie. Et un... « Edition très rare et la plus complète de ce livre rare et recherché. » (Caillet)
Sold BOGUET, Henry (1550-1619). Discours des Sorciers, avec six advis en faict de Sorcelerie. Et un... “Very rare and most complete edition of this rare and sought-after book.” (Caillet)