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Color plate books
There are many books with contemporary colouring or watercolouring in our bookshop. This very broad category includes works on natural history, costumes and fashion, atlases, travel books, etc.
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Showing all 57 results
Buy BOCCACCIO. Nouvelles. First edition of the “free translation” of the Decameron by Honore-Gabriel Riquetti de Mirabeau.
Buy Bilder zum Auschanungs Unterricht. fur die Jugend… Precious pedagogical album composed of 40 lithographs on double-page.
Buy Sammlung verschiedener Spanischer National-Trachten und Uniformen d... The superb copy of Tsar Alexander I.
Buy BERTIUS, Petrus Commentariorum rerum Germanicarum Libri Tres. The German Empire at the very beginning of the 17th century.
Buy [PHILIPPE d'ORLEANS, Regent] - LONGUS. Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé. Traduction nouvelle, ave... Precious copy that belonged to Napoleon III.
Buy ROQUES, Joseph. Plantes usuelles, indigènes et exotiques, dessinées et coloriées d’... First edition of this very beautiful botanical work illustrated with 132 plates finely watercolored at the time.
Buy GRAMINAEUS. THE CELEBRATIONS OF THE DUCHY OF CLEVES. Beschreibung derer Fürstli... First edition of this book about the celebrations of William, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, that took place in Düsseldorf on June 10th 1585.
Buy Antoine de LA SALE Histoire et Cronique du Petit Jehan de Saintré et de la Jeune Dame ... Superb illustrated edition of the Little John of Saintré, one of 200 copies finely colored.
Buy KNORR, Georg Wolfgang and WALCH Johann Ernst Immanuel Recueil de monumens des catastrophes que le globe de la terre a ess... First French edition - more sought after than the German first edition - illustrated with 273 magnificent hand-colored engravings of fossils.
Buy BUCHOZ, Pierre-Joseph Première centurie de planches enluminées et non enluminées représen... The copy of the Countess Sophie Potocka bound in contemporary Parisian morocco.
Buy REDOUTE, Pierre-Joseph Les Roses par P. J. Redouté, peintre de fleurs, Dessinateur en titr... The masterpiece of the "Raphael of Flowers” and one of the rare copies of the deluxe edition in folio format.
Buy MICHEL, Claude Sidoine. L’Indicateur Fidèle ou Guide des Voyageurs, qui enseigne Toutes les... First edition illustrated with 19 engraved and watercoloured maps in contemporary binding.
Buy BOURGEOIS, Constant and THIÉNON, Claude. An album of views of French castles and monuments. Unique and exceptional collection complete with 86 lithographs in colours with gum arabic highlights.
Buy The Caricature. Journal fondé et dirigé par Ch. Philipon. Complete first edition of the main political and literary Journal of the Romantic period.
Buy SACCO, Luigi. Trattato di Vaccinazione con osservazioni sul Giavardo e vajuolo pe... Precious presentation copy on very large vellum paper illustrated with 4 folding plates in colour.
Buy HOURS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ACCORDING TO THE ROMAN RITE BOOK OF HOURS AT THE USE OF ROME. HORE BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS, SECUND... Precious and extremely rare Parisian Book of Hours printed on vellum by Antoine Vérard, illustrated with 16 large contemporary illuminated full-page woodcuts.
Buy ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT adorned with 9 full-page miniatures. BOOK OF HOURS OF CATHERINE (use of Rome). Very attractive illuminated manuscript decorated with 9 large paintings and 21 small miniatures within borders of great finesse in excellent condition.
Buy [MAUGENDRE, Adolphe and LEPAGE, Henri]. Vues pittoresques de Nancy et de ses environs. 31 very beautiful chromolithographs by Maugendre.
Buy BULLIARD, Pierre. Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique, ou exposition par ordre alph... Extremely rare first edition of the Dictionnaire de botanique published by Bulliard in order to complete his Herbier de France.
Buy [SPITZER COLLECTION]. The Spitzer Collection. Antiquity. Middle Ages – Renaissance. First edition of the monumental and superb catalogue of the Spitzer Collection with 342 magnificent illustrations, some enhanced with gold.
Buy LEOPOLD, Johann. Accurate Representation, Oder Verstellung des Errlichen Festins Wel... First edition, first issue in contemporary bright coloring.
Buy MONNIER, Henry. Boutiques de Paris. Very rare suite of colored lithographs dedicated by Henry Monnier to the Parisian stores.
Buy SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, Nicolas L’Asie en plusieurs cartes nouvelles, et exactes ; & en divers... Highly sought-after first edition of Nicolas Sanson's (1600-1667) first French atlas dedicated to Asia, preserved in its contemporary limp vellum binding.
Buy [HOURS FOR THE USE OF BOURGES]. Livre d’Heures en latin à l’usage de Bourges, manuscrit et enluminé... Illuminated manuscript on vellum for the use of Bourges illustrated with 24 miniatures including 14 large ones attributed to the Master of Spencer 6, active in Bourges in 1490 a...
Buy LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695). Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon. Édition ornée de Figures imprim... Didot’s edition illustrated with f4 beautiful etchings in colors.
Buy [ROLLS-ROYCE]. THE 20-25 H.P. ROLLS-ROYCE. A luxuriously produced trade catalogue to present the 20-25 HP series offered for sale by Rolls-Royce in 1931.
Buy GUILMARD, Désiré. Le Garde meuble, Journal d’ameublement. Collection de sièges ... « Désiré Guimard wishes above all to share the furniture models of his time with the greatest accuracy, offering the enthusiasts and the professionals a huge illustrated catalog...
Buy CERILLO, Edoardo Dipinti murali di Pompei. Medaglie Istituto d’Incoraggiamento di Na... Pompeian wall paintings
Buy GERMANY Les cartes à jouer du XIVe au XXe siècle. Packs of cards, art and history
Buy CATALOGUE D’INVENTAIRE D’OUTILS offerts à la vente vers... Catalogue of tools from the 19th century entirely drawn and hand-coloured
Buy VISSCHER, Nicholas Speculum Zelandiae dat is Een Beschryvinge ofte Afbeelding der Sted... Visscher’s baroque atlas of the Netherlands
Buy ENGELBRECHT, (Martin), WILL (John-Martin) Album de jeux, jouets et images enfantines de la famille Walch (158... Album of games, toys and pictures.
Buy PIATTOLI, Giuseppe. Giuochi, Trattenimenti e Feste Annue che si costumano in Toscana e ... Games and entertainments by G. Piattoli
Buy LABORDE, Alexandre Louis-Joseph, count of Description d’un pavé en mosaïque découvert dans l’ancienne ville d... Rare first edition of this superb work of which only 160 copies were printed
Buy RECUEIL DE GOUACHES DU CHÂTEAU DE CHENONCEAU Original collection painted in gouache in the XVIIIth century coming from the chateau de Chenonceau
Buy ALBUM D’AQUARELLES SUR L’INDE. ALBUM DES MÉTIERS. Unique and precious Indian collection of 60 watercolours
Buy Il callotto resuscitato. Il callotto resuscitato oder neu eingerichtes zwerchen Cabinet. Precious and very rare first complete edition of one of the best German illustrated books of the baroque period, in the rococo style, printed in Augsburg about 1710, inspired b...
Buy PAAW, Petrus. Galerie de Rubens, dite du Luxembourg : ouvrage composé de vingt-ci... Superb collection of 24 paintings dedicated by Rubens to Marie de Medici’s life and intended to decorate the Luxembourg Palace.
Buy ARNAULT, Antoine-Vincent. Les Souvenirs et les regrets du vieil amateur dramatique, ou Lettre... Very beautiful copy preserved in its elegant romantic blind-stamped binding by Thouvenin.
Buy HANCARVILLE (P.-F. Hugues, known as d') Antiquités étrusques, grecques et romaines gravées par F.A. David. ... Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities illustrated with 366 prints, most of them enhanced at the time in sepia watercolors, bound with the arms of Tsar Paul I (1754-1801). Paris,...
Buy JAUME SAINT-HILAIRE, Jean Henri. Plantes de la France décrites et peintes d’après nature par M. Jaum... First edition, first issue of this famous work depicting the flowers and the plants of France.
Buy [COLLECTION OF PRINTS] [RECUEIL D’ESTAMPES représentant les Grades, les Rangs & ... First issue of one of the most precious costumes and historical portraits collections, “the engraving picturing Marie-Antoinette in her court costume was sold alone for 265 gold...
Buy ZORN, Joseph (1739-1799). Afbeeldingen der Artseny-Gewassen met Derzelver Nederduitsche en La... Rare first Dutch edition illustrated with 712 superb engravings of flowers and plants printed between 1796 and 1813 drawn by the pharmacist Joseph Zorn (1739-1799) and delicatel...
Buy BOCK, Hieronymus. Kreutterbuch darin vnderscheidt Name(n) vnnd würckunng der Kreutter... The famous herbarium by Bock from 1572, illustrated with 500 engravings in contemporary colors.
Buy DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastien César. Voyage de la corvette de l’Astrolabe (autour du Monde) exécuté par ... First edition of the most important French travel undertaken in the Pacific in the nineteenth century.
Buy [SPANISH LETTERS PATENT]. Brevet de noblesse conféré par le roi Philippe III d’Espagne à Luis... Superb copy of this Spanish certificate of nobility from the very beginning of the 17th century entirely painted and illuminated on vellum skin.
Buy BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE La Russie ou mœurs, usages et costumes des habitans de toutes les p... 111 contemporary hand-colored engravings depicting Russia.
Buy [GHEERAERTS, Marcus] / VONDEL, Joost van Den. Vorsteliicke Warande der dieren […] Oock met aerdige Afbeeldi... Precious collection of two very rare illustrated fable books, in editio princeps,
Buy GREEVEN, H. Collection des costumes des provinces septentrionales du Royaume de... First edition of this superb collection of costumes from the Netherlands.
Sold ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT decorated with 9 large miniatures. Very pleasant illuminated manuscript for the use of a Norman diocese, decorated with 9 large miniatures.
Sold SALERNE, François. L’Histoire naturelle éclaircie dans une de ses parties princi... French first edition of Salerne's (1706-1760) ornithology.
Sold POUGET SONS. Traité des pierres précieuses et de la manière de les employer en p... First edition of the most beautiful French book on jewelry, precious stones and the art of adornment published in the Age of Enlightenment, with 79 plates coloured at the time, ...
Sold VISSCHER, Nicholas Atlas Minor Sive totius Orbis Terrarum contracta delinea (ta) ex co... La dorure des cartes de l’Atlas Mellon est si impressionnante que Cornelis Koeman, le célèbre spécialiste néerlandais d’Atlas, l'a décrit comme « l’Atlas le plus spectaculaireme...
Sold FRANCE, Anatole. Thaïs. Quinze compositions dont un frontispice en couleurs par Geor... An interesting set of two works by Anatole France finely illustrated by Georges Rochegrosse and Maurice Lalau.
Sold [WALLPAPER CATALOG]. [CATALOGUE OF WALLPAPERS]. Fabrique de Papiers Peints. Very interesting catalog of 234 samples of wallpapers offered for sale at the turn of the 20th century by the Parisian company Barbedienne.
Sold CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène (1786-1889). Des couleurs et de leurs applications aux arts industriels à l’aide... The rarest of Chevreul's publications on color.