Rare and antiquarian books
Mainly in French or Italian, our rare and antique gastronomy books will plunge you into wonderful recipes concocted over the centuries from the 16th to the 18th century.
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Showing all 15 results
Buy LE BLANC, Jean-Bernard Lettres de Monsieur l’Abbé Le Blanc, historiographe des bastimens d... Portrayal of the English customs of the 18th century by the protégé of Mme de Pompadour
Buy ATHENEE. Banquet des savans, traduit, tant sur les Textes imprimés, que sur ... A treatise of learned gastronomy bound in contemporary red morocco.
Buy Livre (Le) de honneste volupté. Contenant la maniere d’habiller toutes, sortes de viandes tan... The gastronomy in French language printed in Lyons in 1588.
Buy SCAPPI, Bartolomeo Opera di M. Bartolomeo Scappi, cvoco secreto di Papa Pio Quinto, di... Scappi, "The Michelangelo of the cooking".
Buy GILLIERS, Joseph. Le Cannameliste Français, ou Nouvelle instruction pour ceux qui dés... First edition of the Cannaméliste, famous gastronomic work of Louis XV’s century.
Buy De Cierlijcke Voorsnydinge Aller tafel-gerechten. The first book to teach the Dutch aristocracy the arts of the table and the practice of the cutting squire.
Buy LEOPOLD, Johann. Accurate Representation, Oder Verstellung des Errlichen Festins Wel... First edition, first issue in contemporary bright coloring.
Buy MESSISBUGO, Cristoforo da. Banchetti, compositioni di vivande, et apparecchio generale. From the library of Baron Achille Seillière.
Sold LA VARENNE Le cuisinier françois enseignant la maniere de bien apprester et as... Rare edition of the "Cuisinier françois" by La Varenne
Sold LA VARENNE Le Cuisinier francois, enseignant la manière de bien apprester &...
Sold MASSIALOT Le Cuisiner royal et bourgeois, Qui apprend à ordonner toute sorte ... Second edition of the most important culinary book by Massialot
Sold MENON Nouveau traité de la cuisine, Avec de nouveaux desseins de tables e... Treatise on Gastronomy by Menon
Sold MENON Les Soupers de la Cour, ou l’art de travailler toutes sortes d’alim... The Soupers de la Cour by Menon
Sold BRILLAT-SAVARIN Physiologie du goût, ou Méditations de gastronomie transcendante ; ... Rare first edition of the most important 19th century gastronomic treatise. Precious copy dedicated by the author.
Sold LA VARENNE Le Cuisinier françois. Enseignant La Manière de bien apprester ... One of the mythical books of international bibliophily in the Elsevier collection next to the famous ‘Patissier françois’ of 1655 and the copy of high bibliophily quoted and d...