Rare and antiquarian books
This category includes all works that do not fall into any other category: old tarot decks, engravings, cameo sets, fabric albums, music books, maps…
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350 000 €
Showing all 15 results
Buy Album d’échantillons de tissu destiné aux maisons de couture. / Alb... A catalogue with more than 1500 samples of silk, satin, etc.
Buy ZOLA Photographs. Portraits of Denise. Photographies originales prises par Zola représentant sa fille.
Buy SCHENCK, I. Tarot animalier. Tarot game by a German card maker
Buy ZOLA, Emile ENSEMBLE DE LA CORRESPONDANCE MANUSCRITE AUTOGRAPHE D’ANTOINE... Set of the handwritten autograph correspondence by Antoine Guillemet to Emile Zola
Buy NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN BRIDGE (Bridge n°1) John A Roebling. Designer... Outstanding panoramic view in colors of New York City
Buy DUGOURC, Jean-Démosthène. Recueil de dessins et aquarelles originaux Collection of original drawings by Dugourc, one of the great French ornamentalists on the eve of the Revolution.
Buy [CARTE / CHINE]. A Map and History of Peiping. Formerly known as Peking; capital of ... “Perhaps the best known and most iconic pictorial map of Beijing published in the 20th Century”.
Buy MAP OF CHINA Rekidai Bunya no Zu Kokon Jinbutsu Jiseki, 歴代分野之図古今人物事跡... A Monumental Geographic Map of China published during the Qing Dynasty.
Buy BOSSE, Abraham Les cinq sens : L’ouïe – la vue – l’odorat – le goût – le toucher. The masterpiece of Abraham Bosse.
Buy Trigault, Père Nicolas. Litterae Societatis Iesu e regno sinarum Annorum MDCX & XI… The Letters written from China and the account of the Jesuit missions in Japan by the missionary Nicolas Trigault (1557-1628).
Buy MONSTRELET, Enguerrand de. Le premier (second et tiers) volume de Enguerrand de Monstrelet Ens... The famous illustrated Chronicles of France by Monstrelet printed by Anthoine Verard in the year 1503.
Buy [ROLLS-ROYCE]. THE 20-25 H.P. ROLLS-ROYCE. A luxuriously produced trade catalogue to present the 20-25 HP series offered for sale by Rolls-Royce in 1931.
Sold Produit Wooden board of printing for 20 jacks
Sold Produit
Sold GRANDE ENLUMINURE DE STYLE MEDIEVAL, SUR PEAU DE VELIN. Scène de cour médiévale représentant Charles VII (1403-1461) et Mar... Illumination from the workshop of the Spanish Forger (Pierpont Morgan Library’s exhibition, New York, 1978).