Rare and antiquarian books
Science, medicine
This category includes rare and antique books on science, medicine and astronomy, from the 15th to the 19th century. Anatomy, ophthalmology, celestial atlases, physical sciences, mathematics, cosmography… treasures for science lovers.
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Showing all 85 results
Buy [KEPLER]. II - MAESTLIN, Michael. Epitome Astronomiae, qua brevi explicatione omnia, tam ad Sphaerica... Extremely rare first edition of the astronomical “Great Work” of Kepler’s master. A superb volume in contemporary binding.
Buy DEIDIER, the Abbot. Eléments généraux des principales parties de mathématiques, nécessa... Abbé Deidier’s Treatise on Mathematics for the Military.
Buy J. M. CASSINI, Jacques Elémens d’astronomie. First edition of one of the most complete treatises on astronomy of the 18th century.
Buy La science des eaux qui explique en quatre parties leur Formation, ... Rare first edition of this important treatise on hydraulics.
Buy BLAEU, Guillaume. Institution Astronomique de l’usage des globes et sphères Celestes ... Rare first French edition of this treatise dealing with the use of astronomical instruments.
Buy VIGENERE, Blaise de. Traicté du feu et du sel. Excellent et rare Opuscule… Very rare first edition of this sought-after alchemy treatise in which the author describes how to make gold.
Buy APIANUS, Petri Apiani. Cosmographia, per gemmam Phrysium, apud Louanienses Medicum ac Math... Precious copy of Petrus Apianus’ “Cosmography” preserved in an old binding.
Buy [MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de] Lettre sur la comète. First edition of the Lettre sur la comète by Maupertuis, precious copy on large Holland paper preserved in its contemporary binding.
Buy THOMAS, Corbinianus. Manuductio ad Astronomiam, Juxta modum Bayeri, Mathematici celeberr... The very rare celestial atlas of Corbinianus Thomas, with its 83 full-page plates completely hand-colored at the time.
Buy LUC, Jean-André de. Idées sur la météorologie. Rare first edition of this treatise on meteorology, preserved in its elegant red morocco bindings in Bozérian’s style.
Buy DESCARTES, René. Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, & chercher... First edition of the Discourse on the Method preserved in its elegant contemporary Parisian binding.
Buy ROZIER, Abbot Jean. Nouveau cours complet d’agriculture théorique et pratique, contenan... The sumptuous dedication copy printed on large vellum paper, in contemporary green morocco, with the arms and armorial pieces of the Duchess de Berry, wife of the Duke of Berry,...
Buy PELLETAN, Philippe-Jean. Clinique chirurgicale ou mémoires et observations de chirurgie clin... Precious copy that belonged to Cambaceres, bound in green morocco with the large arms of the Archichancelier of the Empire.
Buy FRANÇOIS-MARIE, P. Father Jean. Nouvelle découverte sur la lumière, Pour la mesurer & en compte... First edition of the utmost rarity of this scientific work by Father François-Marie in which he presents two new means of measuring light.
Buy PAAW, Petrus. Succenturiatus anatomicus. Continens commentaria in Hippocratem, de... First edition of this anatomical treatise dedicated to the human skull.
Buy MAGNI, Pietro Paolo (Piacentine). Discorsi sopra il modo di Sanguinare, Attacar le Sanguisughe, &... One of the most beautiful illustrated books from the Roman Renaissance, illustrated with 11 copper-engravings showing the blood-letting process.
Buy BARTOLI, Cosimo. Del modo di misurare le distantie, le superficie, i corpi, le piant... Rare first edition of one of the best 16th century treatises of geometry, finely illustrated with 162 woodcuts.
Buy Doctor Navier, Physician of King Louis XVI. Contre-poisons de l’arsenic, du sublimé corrosif, du verd-de-gris e... Precious volumes that belonged to the author, the doctor of King Louis XVI, offered to Queen Marie-Antoinette and contemporary bound in red morocco decorated with her wide arms.
Buy LA CHAPELLE, Jean-Baptiste de. Traité de la construction théorique et pratique du scaphandre, ou d... First and only edition of the first description of the diving suit.
Buy SCHNEPP, Bernard. Du climat de l’Égypte de sa valeur dans les affections de la poitri... First edition of this series of researches undertaken by Dr. Schnepp in Egypt with the aim of studying a climate conducive to healing.
Buy PRIESTLEY, Joseph (1733-1804) / NOLLET, Abbé (1700-1770). Histoire de l’électricité, Traduite de l’Anglois de Joseph Priestle... Father Nollet (1700-1770) was then ‘maître de physique des Enfants de France’.
Buy SACCO, Luigi. Trattato di Vaccinazione con osservazioni sul Giavardo e vajuolo pe... Precious presentation copy on very large vellum paper illustrated with 4 folding plates in colour.
Buy LA BROSSE, Louis-Philippe. Traité du baromètre, ouvrage mathématique, physique et critique, Da... Extremely rare mathematical and scientific first edition analyzing the Barometer, its operation, variations and uses, printed in Nancy in 1718, illustrated with a plate and a fo...
Buy VIDUIS (1500-1569). [Physician to King Francis I]. Chirurgia è Graeco in Latinum conversa, Vido Vidio Florentino inter... Very rare first edition of this work by the doctor of king François I.
Buy BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Histoire de l’astronomie ancienne, jusqu’à l’établissement de l’éco... Rare complete set of this important 18th century history of astronomy.
Buy FLUDD, Robert (alias DE FLUCTIBUS) Philosophia moysaica In qua Sapientia & scientia creationis ... Posthumous first edition of Robert Fludd’s last essay.
Buy GUILLAUME, Charles. Instrumens Aratoires inventés, perfectionnés, dessinés et gravés, P... “The agricultural revolution” due to new agricultural tools, bound and offered to Tsar Alexander I of Russia, grandson of Catherine the Great.
Buy GEMMA FRISIUS. Gemma Phrysius de Principiis astronomiae & Cosmographiae Deq3 v... Second enlarged edition, of the utmost rarity, of this important work of cosmography by Gemma Frisius, the founder of scientific cartography in the Netherlands and Mercator’s t...
Buy PALISSY, Bernard. Discours admirables, de la nature des eaux et fonteines, tant natur... First edition of Bernard Palissy's "Discours naturalistes".
Buy NEANDER, Johann Traicté du tabac, ou nicotiane, panacee, petun : autrement Herbe a ... One of the major tabacology treatises illustrated with the first representations of Amerindians cultivating tobacco.
Buy SHEPHERDS' CALENDAR Le Grand Kalendrier et Compost des Bergers composé par le berger de... The great "Calendrier des Bergers" illustrated with more than 80 woodcuts.
Buy AGRICOLA, Georgius De re Metallica. The only known copy of this original scientific edition preserved in its beautiful contemporary blind-stamped pigskin binding from Basel with its original clasps preserved.
Buy LEMERY, Nicolas. Traité Universel des Drogues simples, mises en ordre alphabétique. ... First edition of the Traité des Drogues simples by Lémery, botanist and chemist of the 17th century.
Buy [LINNE, Carl von] / MOUTON-FONTENILLE DE LA CLOTTE, J.-P. Système des plantes, Contenant les Classes, Ordres, Genres et Espèc... The diffusion of Linnaeus' ideas in France.
Buy ABRAHAM BAR HIYYA. Sefer Zurat ha-Erets… Sphaera mundi, describens figuram terrae disp... Exceedingly rare first edition, bilingual Hebrew-Latin, of the most famous treatise on astronomy by Abraham bar Hiyya.
Buy PASCAL, Blaise Traitez de l’équilibre des liqueurs, et de la pesanteur de la masse... Pascal, scientist and literary man!
Buy AUZOLES LAPEYRE Le Mercure charitable, ou contre-touche et souverain remède pour dé... First edition of this work dedicated to chronology
Buy [MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de] Lettre sur la comète Lettre sur la comète by Maupertuis
Buy NEANDER, Johann Tabacologia : Hoc est Tabaci, seu Nicotianae Descriptio Medico-Chir... Tabacologia by Neander
Buy NAUDE, Gabriel De Antiquitate et dignitate Scholae medicae Parisiensis Panegyris. ... Eulogy of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris by the famous bibliographer Gabriel Naudé
Buy GALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo. Theatrum mundi, et temporis, In quo non solum precipuae horum parte... First edition of the “first modern celestial atlas using the coordinates of Copernicus”.
Buy MUNSTER, Sebastian Compositio horologiorum, in plano, muro, truncis, anulo, con concav... First edition of the first treatise on sundials given by Sebastian Münster
Buy CABIAS, Jean-Baptiste de. Les Merveilles des bains d’Aix en Savoye : Dédiées à Monseigneur le... Very rare first edition of the first work dedicated to Aix-les-Bains thermal springs
Buy RENAU D'ELISSAGARAY, Bernard De la Théorie de la Manœuvre des vaisseaux. First edition of the best book of “Louis XIV famous seaman”
Buy ORONCE FINE … De Mundi sphaera, sive Cosmographia, primave Astronomiae pa... Rare separated first edition of Oronce Fine’s Cosmographia
Buy RAMELLI Le diverse et artificiose machine del capitano Agostino Ramelli. The most important illustrated technical treatise from the 16th century
Buy ZEISING, H. Theatri machinarum… Zeising’s theater of inventions
Buy LAPLACE, Pierre Simon, marquis de Théorie analytique des probabilités ; par M. le comte de Laplace… First edition of a foundind work of the theory of probability
Buy AGRICOLA, Georgius De re Metallica. De animantibus subterraneis liber. “One of the first technological books of modern times”. P. M. M., n°79.
Buy BIANCHINI, François Hesperi et Phosphori nova phaenomena sive observationes circa Plane... Rare first edition relating for the first time the presernce of dark pots on Venus.
Buy FAUCHARD, Pierre Le chirurgien dentiste, ou traité des dents, Où l’on enseigne les m... Pierre Fauchard, the creator of the art of dentistry
Sold SEVERT, Jacques De Orbis Catoptrici seu mapparum mundi principiis, descriptione ac ... First edition of one of the rarest astronomical treatises of the 16th century
Sold CROS Solution générale du problème de la photographie des couleurs par C... The chromatic synthesis by Cros
Sold BESSON Théâtre des Instrumens Théâtre des instrumens by Besson
Sold CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène (1786-1889). Des couleurs et de leurs applications aux arts industriels à l’aide... The rarest of Chevreul's publications on color.
Sold FLAMSTEED Atlas céleste de Flamsteed, publié en 1776, par J. Fortin, Ingénieu... Flamsteed’s famous celestial atlas
Sold DESCARTES De Homine figuris et Latinitate donatus a Florentio Schuyl. First edition of Descartes' treatise "De Homine Figuris"
Sold BUNIAKOVSKI Osnovaniia matematicheskoi teorii veroiatnostei. (=Bases de la théo... The first work dedicated to the theory of probability in Russian
Sold PASTEUR, Louis. Mémoire sur la fermentation alcoolique. “Pasteur emphasized the complexity of alcoholic fermentation” (DSB).
Sold PASTEUR, Louis. Mémoire sur les corpuscules organisés qui existent dans l’atmosphèr... The refutation of spontaneous generation. PMM 336.
Sold FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND, Barthélemy. Description des Expériences de la Machine Aérostatique de MM. De Mo... « The first Aerial Voyage ». (P.M.M., 229).
Sold STOEFFLER, Johann. Calendarium Romanum Magnum. The revision of the calendar by Stoeffler.
Sold HAÜY, Valentin Essai sur l’éducation des aveugles, ou exposé de différens moyens, ... « The first printed book intended to be read by the blind"
Sold MENDELEEV / MENDELEEV O barometricheskom nivelirovanii i o primenenii dlia nego vysotomer... The precusor of the altimeter by Mendeleev
Sold VIETE, François Principes de cosmographie. Tirés d’un manuscrit de Viette, & tr... Rare work of astronomy by the greatest French mathematician of the 16th century
Sold BERNARD, Claude Introduction à l’Etude de la Médecine Expérimentale. La médecine experimentale, a decisive work in science history
Sold DESCARTES, René. Lettres de Mr Descartes Où sont traittées les plus belles Questions... First edition of Descartes’ correspondence
Sold FLUDD, Robert. Utriusque Cosmi Maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica at... “Extremely rare and sought-after treatise of the Macrocosm by Robert Fludd with many very beautiful and peculiar engravings by Théodore de Bry” (Caillet).
Sold BOECKLER, George André. Theatrum machinarum novum, Dast ist : Neu-vermehrter Schauplatz der... First edition of the two great Baroque works of the German engineer George Boeckler
Sold Firmin, Anténor De l’égalité des races humaines (Anthropologie positive). Rare first edition of this fervent plea for the black race.
Sold LOBACHEVSKI Geometrische Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Parallellinien. The founding text of non-Euclidian geometry
Sold D'ALEMBERT, Jean le Rond Traité de dynamique, dans lequel les Loix de l’Equilibre & du M... D'Alembert's great treatise of dynamics.
Sold BOCK, Hieronymus. Kreütterbuch, darin underscheidt, Nammen und Würckung der Kreütter,... First illustrated edition of the culinary Treatise of Hieronymus Bock (1498-1554), the father of German botany.
Sold WEINMANN, Jean Guillaume. Phytanthoza Iconographia, sive conspectus Aliquot millium, tam Indi... One of the most important baroque herbarium illustrated with 1 025 plates in superb contemporary colors.
Sold FERRARI, Jean-Baptiste Hesperides sive de malorum aureorum cultura et usu Libri Quatuor First edition of one of the most beautiful baroque botanical books.
Sold CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, Jean Voyage en Californie pour l’observation du passage de Vénus sur le ... First edition of Chappe d’Auteroche’s scientific expedition to California
Sold IGUCHI TSUNENORI. Tenmon Zukai (=Explication de l’Astronomie au moyen de figures). Rare first edition of the first astronomical book to be published in Japan, illustrated with 50 woodcuts.
Sold KETHAM, Johannes Fasciculus medecine… The first illustrated medical book
Sold FAUCHARD, Pierre Le chirurgien dentiste, ou traité des dents, ou l’on enseigne les m... “This work is the best one ever written on teeth illness”
Sold [NEWTON, Sir Isaac] / DU CHATELET, Marquise de Principes Mathématiques de la Philosophie naturelle. First French edition of Newton’s “Principia Mathematica”, translated by the marquise du Châtelet
Sold LANSBERG, Philipp In quadrantem tum Astronomicum… Extremely rare first edition of Philip Lansberg
Sold BECQUEREL, Edmond. La Lumière, ses causes et ses effets. “The most interesting monograph on light” illustrated with 76 figures and 8 plates out of pagination.
Sold EUCLID Les Elemens de la geometrie Euclid's "Elements"
Sold ADANSON, Michel. Histoire et description de plusieurs plantes tant indigènes qu’exot... Original botanical manuscript of great scientific interest, calligraphed, drawn and water colored in the year 1768 in the Dominican Dijon abbey following the method of Michel Ad...
Sold CAUS, Salomon de. Hortus Palatinus a Friderico Rege Boemiae Electore Palatino Heidelb... First edition of this exceedingly scarce work on the landscaped gardens and architecture designed by Salomon de Caus for the elector palatinate Frederick V.