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Our antique travel and exploration books cover a wide period from the 15th to the 19th century. Africa, Asia, America, Europe… all the continents are represented in our shelves. Illustrated or not, our travel accounts have marked their time by their discoveries. We also offer atlases from the 15th to the 18th century, often hand-coloured or with contemporary watercolour enhancements.
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Showing all 180 results
Buy FROES, Luis Lettera annua del Giappone dell’anno MDXCVI. Scritta dal P. Luigi F... Christian missions in Asia in the 16th century
Buy FOY DE LA NEUVILLE Relation curieuse, et nouvelle de Moscovie. Contenant, l’état prése... The mission of Foy de La Neuville to Russia in 1689
Buy MAMEROT, Sébastien Les passages doultremer faitz par les francoys. Nouvellement imprim... Turkey, Syria, Palestine.
Buy CEPEDA, Fernando de / CARRILLO, Fernando Alfonso Relacion Universal legitima, y verdadera del sitio en que esta fund... Very precious work for the history of Mexico
Buy LA CUSTINE, Marquis de La Russie en 1839. "Custine’s most sought after work"
Buy BOURGES, Jacques de Relation du voyage de Monseigneur l’évêque de Beryte Vicaire aposto... Rare first edition of the first French book ever published about Siam
Buy LA MOTTRAYE, Aubry de Voyages du Sieur A. de La Motraye, en Europe, Asie et Afrique. Où l... La Mottraye travelling with through Europe, Asia and Africa
Buy NODIER Journal de l’Expédition des Portes de Fer rédigé par Charles Nodier... One of the rare copies not issued for sale of the Duke of Orleans' travel through Algeria
Buy ORTELIUS, Abraham Theatro del mondo. Ortelius’ pocket-atlas
Buy ARMAND, Jean dit Mustapha Voyages d’Afrique faicts par le commandement du Roy. Ou sont conten... Account of two expeditions organized by Richelieu to the coasts of Morocco
Buy BOUGARD, R. Le Petit Flambeau de la mer ou le veritable guide des pilotes cotie... The most famous marine pilot guide from the end of the 17th century
Buy DANIELL, Thomas et William A picturesque voyage to India "A picturesque voyage to India" by Daniell
Buy PORCACCHI, Thomaso L’Isole piu famose del Mondo. "L'Isole piu famose del Mondo" by Porcacchi
Buy Relacao que trata de como em cincoenta e oito graos do Sul foy desc... Collection of two rare texts relating the recent discoveries of two islands, by French and Spanish.
Buy NICOLAY, Nicolas d. Le Navigationi et viaggi nella nella Turchia, di Nicolo de Nicolai ... "Le Navigationi et viaggi nella nella Turchia" by Nicolay
Buy LA CONDAMINE, Charles-Marie de Relation abrégée d’un Voyage fait dans l’intérieur de l’Amérique mé... The first scientific trip down the Amazon River by La Condamine
Buy MACHAULT, Jacques de Relation des missions des Pères de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans les ... Rare relation of the Jesuits' mission to the East Indies
Buy POSTEL, Guillaume L’Histoire mémorable des expéditions depuys le deluge faictes par l... "L’Histoire mémorable des expéditions" by Postel
Buy I. [PAEZ, Gaspar / MENDEZ, le Père Alphonse] II. [KIRWITZER, Wencelas Pantaléon] III. [ANDRADE, Antonio de] I. Histoire de ce qui s’est passé au royaume d’Ethiopie Es années 1... Relations written by the Jesuits in Ethiopia, China and Tibet
Buy MŒURS ET COUTUMES DES PEUPLES, ou Collections de tableaux représent... Habits and customs of 61 nations of the world, illustrated and contemporary hand-coloured
Buy DU TERTRE, R. P. Jean-Baptiste Histoire générale des Antilles habitées par les François "L'Histoire des Antilles" de Du Tertre
Buy SACCANO, Père Metelle Relation des progrez de la foy au Royaume de la Cochinchine és anné... Rare travel account to Cochinchina by the Jesuit missionary Metelle Saccano
Buy LA VILLE, abbé Jean-Ignace de Etat présent de la Pensilvanie, où l’on trouve le détail de ce qui ... Etat présent de la Pensilvanie, by La Ville in first edition
Buy RHODES, Alessandro de / MACHAULT, Jacques de Relation de la mission des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus. Etablie ... First edition of this relation in Persia by Father Alexandre de Rhodes
Buy RHODES, Alessandro de Relazione de’félici successi della Santa Fede Predicata Da Pa... Rare work on the Jesuit missionnaries in China
Buy HERRERA, Antonio de Novus Orbis, Sive Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis,… Accesserun... First complete account of Le Maire’s world tour, the first sailor to cross Cape Horn
Buy LAON, Jean de, Seigneur d'Aigremont Relation du Voyage des Francois Fait au Cap de Nord en Amerique, Pa... First edition of the report of the unfortunate expedition of Royville
Buy [JAPON – INDES ORIENTALES]. Recueil des plus fraisches lettres, escrittes des Indes Orientales,... Extremely rare 16th century French first edition about the discoveries of the Jesuit missionaries in Japan and in the East Indies
Buy CAVICEO, Jacomo Dialogue treselegant intitule le Peregrin, traictant de lhonneste e... First French edition of this great romance novel
Buy GRAMAYE, Jean-Baptiste Africae Illustratae libri decem, in quibus Barbaria, gentesque eius... Extremely rare first edition of this essential book for the history and description of Africa
Buy PISO, Willem et MARCGRAF, Georg Historia naturalis Brasiliae, Auspicio et Beneficio Illustriss. I. ... “The only illustrated work on Brazilian natural history”
Buy RENAU D'ELISSAGARAY, Bernard De la Théorie de la Manœuvre des vaisseaux. First edition of the best book of “Louis XIV famous seaman”
Buy MARBAN, Pedro Arte de la lengua moxa, con su vocabulario, y catechismo. Compuesto... First edition of this rare lexicon of the language spoken by the Moxos Indians
Buy POSTEL, Guillaume De la République des Turcs : & là où l’occasion s’offrera, des ... The Ottoman society during Renaissance by Guillaume Postel
Buy ANDRADE, Antonio Lettere annue del Tibet del 1626 e della Cina del 1624. Scritte al ... Missions in China and in Tibet
Buy HARDIVILLER Souvenirs des Highlands ; Voyage à la suite de Henri V en 1832 par ... The journey of the Count of Chambord emigrated in the Highlands
Buy DANIELL, Samuel African scenery and animals The most beautiful work published about South Africa.
Buy SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, Nicolas L’Amérique en plusieurs cartes, & en divers traittés de géograp... One of the rarest french atlas on America
Buy BIANCHINI, François Hesperi et Phosphori nova phaenomena sive observationes circa Plane... Rare first edition relating for the first time the presernce of dark pots on Venus.
Buy CASTELLAN Mœurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire. Turkish culture through 72 plates contemporary hand-colored.
Buy Recueil d’aquarelles sur l’Inde Precious and unique album of watercolors about India
Buy Guignes, Chrétien-Louis-Joseph de. Voyages à Peking, Manille et l’Ile de France, faits Dans l’interval... First edition of this fascinating travel account to China printed of the imperial presses in 1808.
Buy [FEYDEL, Gabriel] Mœurs et coutumes des Corses : Mémoire tiré en partie d’un grand ou... Remarkable copy with a particularly saucy provenance: from the Malmaison Library.
Buy NAGAKUBO SEKISUI Kaisei Chikyu Bankoku Zenzu 改正地球万国全図 (= Carte géographique ... The map of the world “seen from Japan” in 1785, entirely hand-colored at the time.
Buy CHARDIN Voyages de Mr. le chevalier Chardin, en Perse, et autres lieux de l... The most valued edition, partly original, of the description of Persia by Chardin.
Buy Le Comte, Louis. Nouveaux Mémoires sur l’état présent de la Chine. Complete first edition of the "Mémoires sur la Chine" by Louis Le Comte.
Buy Album pintoresco de la isla de Cuba. One of the few testimonies of daily life in Cuba in the 19th century, illustrated with 27 chromolithographs.
Buy MORISOT, Claude Barthélémy Orbis maritimi sive rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis ... First and unique edition of the first encyclopedia dedicated to the maritime world.
Buy MOCQUET DE MEAUX, Jean. Voyages en Afrique, Asie, Indes orientales, & Occidentales… div... Mocquet’s travel to America, the Indies and Africa in very rare contemporary hand-colouring.
Buy LONGOBARDI, Nicola. Traité sur quelques points de la religion des Chinois. First edition of this study on the religion of the Chinese by the successor of Matteo Ricci at the head of the Jesuit mission in China.
Buy Trigault, Père Nicolas. Due lettere annue della Cina del 1610 e del 1611. Scritte al M.R.P.... Extremely rare first edition of “Due Lettere annue della Cina del 1610 e del 1611” by the missionary Nicolas Trigault (1557-1628).
Buy Zuallart, Jean. Le Très devot Voyage de Jerusalem, Avecq les Figures des lieux sain... Zuallart’s travel to Jerusalem from Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s library.
Buy [Fermanel de Favery, Luc]. Relation des missions des evesques françois aux royaumes de Siam, d... "Very rare" first edition of this mission to the Far East.
Buy GAU, Francisque-Christian. Antiquités de la Nubie, ou Monumens inédits des bords du Nil, situé... First and unique edition of this impressive “reference work on antique art, culture and architecture of the Nile Valley”.
Buy SAINT-NON,J.-C. Richard de & VIVANT DENON,Dominique. Voyage Pittoresque à Naples et en Sicile, par J.-C. Richard de Sain... One of the masterpieces of illustrated book, very rare in its uniform contemporary binding. One of the most sumptuous works on Italy, enlarged with new plates.
Buy LABAT, Jean-Baptiste. Voyages du P. Labat de l’ordre des FF. Precheurs, en Espagne et en ... First edition of Labat’s travel to Spain and Italy.
Buy TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de. Relation d’un voyage du Levant fait par ordre du Roy, contenant : l... First edition of the “most interesting travel account about the Levant” (Chadenat).
Buy MEDINA, Pedro de L’Art de naviguer de M. Pierre de Medine, espagnol, Contenant toute... Copy complete with the large folding map of America and the New World of Medina’s Art of Navigation, in fine condition.
Buy LEFEBVRE-DURUFLÉ Jacques Noël / BONINGTON / FIELDING, Théodore. Excursion sur les côtes et dans les ports de Normandie. The most beautiful book dedicated to Norman coasts during the reign of Charles X, illustrated with 40 sumptuous contemporary watercolored aquatints.
Buy MUNSTER, Sebastian Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder herrschafften, fürnemst... Very rare edition not described by Sabin of one of the most famous travel and geography books from the Renaissance.
Buy HOLMES, Samuel. Voyage en Chine et en Tartarie, à la suite de l’ambassade de Lord M... First edition of this compilation of first French translations related to the mission of Lord Macartney to China.
Buy ZURLAUBEN, Le Baron de. Tableaux topographiques, pittoresques, physiques, historiques, mora... First edition, first issue, of the great illustrated book on Switzerland.
Buy ZOCCHI, Giuseppe (1711-1767). Vedute delle ville, e d’altri luoghi della Toscana. Superb first edition (out of three) of towns, gardens and views of Tuscany by Giuseppe Zocchi.
Buy GOOS, Pieter. Le Grand & Nouveau Miroir ou Flambeau, De la Mer contenant la d... Extremely rare first French edition of the most beautiful 17th century Dutch sea atlas.
Buy PTOLEMAEUS, Claudius. Geographicae enarrationis libri oct. Traduit par Wilibald Pirckkeim... First edition of Ptolemy’s Geography edited by Michael Servetus, illustrated with 50 engraved maps, in 18th century red morocco.
Buy RIVIERE, Pierre-Louis. Poh-Deng. Scènes de la vie siamoise. Illustrations de H. de La Nézi... First edition of Poh Deng by Riviere, sumptuously illustrated by Joseph de la Nézière, and wonderfully bound by Georges Baudin.
Buy NIEUHOFF, Jan. L’Ambassade de la compagnie orientale des Provinces unies vers l’Em... First French edition of Nieuhoff’s travel to China richly illustrated with 14 very fine engravings and preserved in its contemporary vellum binding.
Buy PRISSE D’AVENNES, Achille Constant Théodore Emile. Oriental Album, characters, costumes, and modes of life in the vall... “The above is one of the most attractive books of Eastern Costume”.
Buy CASTANEDA, Fernand Lopez de. L’Histoire des Indes de Portugal, contenant comment l’Inde a esté d... This volume contains the first book of Lopes de Castanheda in which the author gives an account of the voyage of Pedro Alvarez Cabral in India in 1500, in the course of which ...
Buy DUPERREY, Louis-Isidore. Voyage autour du Monde, exécuté par ordre du Roi sur la corvette de... Precious and exceedingly rare set comprising the four atlases that illustrate the account of one of the most famous Voyages to the Pacific published in parts from 1825 to 1835.
Buy [RECUEIL D'ESTAMPES] [RECUEIL D’ESTAMPES représentant les Grades, les Rangs & ... First issue of one of the most precious costumes and historical portraits collections, “the engraving picturing Marie-Antoinette in her court costume was sold alone for 265 gold...
Buy [Fermanel de Favery, Luc]. Relation des missions et des voyages des evesques vicaires apostoli... « Very rare » first edition of this account of the missions to Cochin-china, Tonkin, China, Cambodia, Chiampa, India and Siam.
Buy JUCHEREAU DE LA FERTE, dite de Saint-Ignace, Jeanne-Françoise. Histoire de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. First edition of these annals recounting the creation of the first hospital in Quebec City by the Hospitallers of Dieppe under the auspices of the Duchess of Aiguillon, niece of...
Buy MARMOL. L’Afrique de Marmol de la traduction de Nicolas Perrot d’Ablancourt... Marmol’s Afrique illustrated with 28 superb maps by Nicolas Sanson.
Buy LA MARTINIERE, Pierre-Martin de (1634-1690). Nouveau Voyage du Nort dans lequel on voit les Mœurs, la Manière de... Extremely rare first edition illustrated with 18 engravings.
Buy ADANSON, Michel. Histoire naturelle du Sénégal. Coquillages. Avec la Relation abrégé... Rare first edition of this account of a journey to Senegal by the naturalist Michel Adanson, illustrated with a large map and 19 folding engraved plates.
Buy ALVAREZ DE COLMENAR, J. Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal. Superb volume illustrated with 167 engravings on Spain and Portugal in 1707.
Buy BEVERLEY, Robert. Histoire de la Virginie ; contenant I. L’histoire de son étab... The delicious volume on the Histoire de la Virginie printed in 1707 bound with Madame de Pompadour’s arms.
Buy MANUSCRIT ENLUMINE ÉTHIOPIEN. Manuscrit liturgique illustré écrit en ge’ez. Attractive Ethiopian bible handwritten on vellum skin and illuminated with two full-page polychrome figures.
Buy CHARDIN, Sir John. Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse, et autres lieux de l’Orient.... First complete edition of the Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse et autres lieux de l’Orient “enlarged with the Coronation of Suleiman III & numerous extracts from the Auth...
Buy [CARTE / CHINE]. A Map and History of Peiping. Formerly known as Peking; capital of ... “Perhaps the best known and most iconic pictorial map of Beijing published in the 20th Century”.
Buy DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastien César. Voyage de la corvette de l’Astrolabe (autour du Monde) exécuté par ... First edition of the most important French travel undertaken in the Pacific in the nineteenth century.
Buy BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE La Russie ou mœurs, usages et costumes des habitans de toutes les p... 111 contemporary hand-colored engravings depicting Russia.
Buy CHARLEVOIX, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle France, avec le jou... First edition of “a precious work for the History of Canada and Louisiana”, 44 plates and 28 large maps.
Buy DEMIDOFF. Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la V... Demidoff’s travel in Russia and Crimea illustrated with 25 plates out of pagination.
Buy RAMUSIO, Giovanni Battista. Delle Navigationi et Viaggi in molti luoghi corretta, et ampliata, ... A precious collection that deserves to be highly sought after by travel collectors.
Buy LABILLARDIERE. Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse, fait par ordre de ... The fascinating Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse illustrated with 44 plates in first issue.
Buy MAP OF CHINA Rekidai Bunya no Zu Kokon Jinbutsu Jiseki, 歴代分野之図古今人物事跡... A Monumental Geographic Map of China published during the Qing Dynasty.
Buy [SAINT-VALLIER (Jean Baptiste de La Croix de Chevrières de)]. Estat present de l’Eglise et de la colonie françoise dans la Nouvel... The Indian tribes of Canada at the end of the 17th century.
Buy LAVANHA, João Baptista. Viagem da Catholica Real Magestade del Rey D. Filipepe II n.s. Ao R... Extremely rare first edition of this book describing the festivities that surrounded the entry of Philip III of Spain (1578-1621) to Lisbon in 1619.
Buy LINDLEY, Thomas Voyage au Brésil ; où l’on trouve la description du pays, de ses pr... First French edition "rarer than the first English " according to Borba de Moraes.
Buy NICOLAY, Nicolas de. Le Navigationi et Viaggi, fatti nella Turchia, di Nicolo de Nicolai... Rare Venetian edition.
Buy KERGUELEN DE TREMAREC, Yves-Joseph Marie de. Relation de deux voyages Dans les mers Australes & des Indes, ... Rare first edition of this discovery trip to prove the existence of a Southern continent of which most copies were immediately pilloried.
Buy MICHEL, Claude Sidoine. L’Indicateur Fidèle ou Guide des Voyageurs, qui enseigne Toutes les... First edition illustrated with 19 engraved and watercoloured maps in contemporary binding.
Buy LE ROUGE, George Louis. Recueil des Côtes Maritimes de France Sur quatre Lieues de large en... Second enlarged edition of this important coastal atlas of France, compiled by Georges-Louis Le Rouge and revised by Louis Brion de la Tour.
Buy [MAUGENDRE, Adolphe et LEPAGE, Henri]. Vues pittoresques de Nancy et de ses environs. 31 very beautiful chromolithographs by Maugendre.
Buy LEOPOLD, Johann. Accurate Representation, Oder Verstellung des Errlichen Festins Wel... First edition, first issue in contemporary bright coloring.
Buy SAGARD-THEODAT, Gabriel. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, situé en l’Amérique vers la Mer... « A Work of great interest and importance... ». Sabin.
Buy SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, Nicolas L’Asie en plusieurs cartes nouvelles, et exactes ; & en divers... Highly sought-after first edition of Nicolas Sanson's (1600-1667) first French atlas dedicated to Asia, preserved in its contemporary limp vellum binding.
Buy Trigault, Père Nicolas. Litterae Societatis Iesu e regno sinarum Annorum MDCX & XI… The Letters written from China and the account of the Jesuit missions in Japan by the missionary Nicolas Trigault (1557-1628).
Buy NECK, Jacques Corneille Van. Le Second Livre, Journal ou Comptoir, Contenant le vray discours et... First French edition of the utmost rarity of the account of the second Dutch expedition to the East Indies which led to the creation, in 1602, of the Ducth East India Company.
Buy SCHNEPP, Bernard. Du climat de l’Égypte de sa valeur dans les affections de la poitri... First edition of this series of researches undertaken by Dr. Schnepp in Egypt with the aim of studying a climate conducive to healing.
Buy [SMITH, William]. Relation Historique de l’Expédition, contre les Indiens de l’... "Interesting ‘Thoughts on the War with the Indians of North America’ occupy pp. 89-147: one finds there the name of the different Indian nations which lived in North America, wi...
Buy CHARLEVOIX, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Histoire de l’Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. First 12mo edition of the “History of Santo-Domingo” by Charlevoix illustrated with 18 maps and 6 engravings.
Sold POUQUEVILLE Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie, et dans plusieurs au... A pioneering book about Greece
Sold DU TERTRE Histoire générale des Antilles habitées par les François. Divisée e... First complete edition of the “Histoire des Antilles”
Sold [PREVOST D’EXILES, Antoine François] Histoire générale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes les... First edition of the «Histoire générale des voyages»
Sold TAVERNIER, Jean-Baptiste Les six voyages de Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, en Turquie, en Perse, e... The six journeys in Asia by Tavernier with illustrations
Sold Saint-Valier Estat present de l’Eglise et de la colonie françoise dans la Nouvel... Great description of the Indian tribes from Canada and their relationships with French colonists
Sold BRY Acta Mechmeti i Saracenorum Principis natales, vitam, victorias, im... Important work dedicated to the Ottoman empire
Sold FLAMSTEED Atlas céleste de Flamsteed, publié en 1776, par J. Fortin, Ingénieu... Flamsteed’s famous celestial atlas
Sold BRAUN & HOGENBERG Civitates Orbis Terrarum.
Sold BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE L’Espagne et le Portugal, ou Mœurs, Usages et Costumes des habitans... Spain and Portugal at the beginning of the 19th century
Sold VOLNEY, (Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, comte de) Simplification des langues orientales ou méthode nouvelle et facile... The earliest Arabic grammar written in French
Sold MOURADJA D'OHSSON, Ignace de Tableau général de l’empire Othoman, divisé en deux parties, dont l... The most important book from the 18th century dedicated to the Ottoman Empire
Sold BIET, Antoine. Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en l’isle de Cayenne, entrepris par... Rare first edition of the account of the attempt of the establishment of a colony in Cayenne undertaken by the French in 1652.
Sold LECLERCQ, Chrétien Nouvelle relation de la Gaspésie, qui contient Les Mœurs & la R... A very sought-after work dedicated to the way of life of Indians from Gaspesie
Sold GEORGIEVITZ, Barthélémy De Turcarum ritu et Ceremoniis. The funeral customs of the Turks
Sold Produit Account of travel to the sources of the Senegal and the Gambia
Sold MAYERBERG, Augustin, baron de Voyage en Moscovie d’un Ambassadeur, Conseiller de la Chambre Impér... Account of travel to Russia in the 17th century by a German diplomat
Sold GRANDPRE Voyage à la côte occidentale d’Afrique, fait dans les années 1786 e... French expedition on the west coast of Africa
Sold ABDOUL-KERYM; HODGES, William; LANGLES, Louis-Mathieu. Collection portative de voyages traduits de différentes langues ori... Three accounts of travels to Asia and the Middle East.
Sold KOSTER, Henri. Voyages dans la partie septentrionale du Brésil, depuis 1809 jusqu’... One of the best account ever published until then about Brazil
Sold SONNERAT, Pierre Voyage aux Indes orientales et à la Chine. Fait par ordre du Roi de... Sonnerat's travel through India and China illustrated with 140 plates
Sold KOSTER, Henri. Voyages dans la partie septentrionale du Brésil, depuis 1809 jusqu’... Voyages au Brésil by Koster
Sold MARCO POLO Le Livre des Merveilles The Book of the Marvels of the World by Marco Polo
Sold GENNES, Pierre de Mémoire pour le sieur Dupleix "Mémoire pour le sieur Dupleix" by Gennes
Sold BERNOULLI Description historique et géographique de l’Inde, qui présente en t... "Description historique et géographique de l'Inde" by Bernoulli
Sold TACHARD, Guy. Voyage de Siam, des Pères Jésuites, Envoyés par le Roy aux Indes &a... The illustrated "Journey in Siam" by Tachard, bound for the Grand Condé
Sold BEULLOCH Le Mexique en 1823, ou relation d’un voyage dans la Nouvelle-Espagn... "Le Mexique en 1823" by Beulloch
Sold GAGE, Thomas Nouvelle relation, contenant les voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Nou... Thomas Gage’s travels to the Viceroyalty of New Spain
Sold AKISATO, Rito Shoseki. Miyako Meisho Zue, “ Illustration des sites célèbres de la capitale... An exceptionnal guide dedicated to Kyoto
Sold BRAUN & HOGENBERG Civitates Orbis Terrarum. 236 towns of the Renaissance finely contemporary hand-coloured
Sold RUIZ DE MONTOYA, Antonio Tesoro de la Lengua Guarani. One of the most important publications of American linguistics
Sold CARLETTI, Francesco Ragionementi… sopra le cose da lui vedute ne’ suoi viaggi si ... The most beautiful travel account of the Italian literature
Sold SORBIERE, Samuel de. Relation d’un voyage en Angleterr où sont touchées plusieurs ... Dedication copy to King Louis XIV of a travel relation through England
Sold LAVALLEE, Joseph et BRION, Louis Voyage dans les départemens de la France. Par une Société d’Artiste... First edition of this famous compilation of a travel made in the 102 French departments
Sold FERRARIS Carte Chorographique des Pays-Bas Autrichiens Dédiée à leurs Majest... Very large precious military map of the Austrian Netherlands.
Sold CHARLEVOIX, Père de Histoire du Japon ; où l’on trouvera tout ce qu’on a pu apprendre d... The History of Japan printed in 1754 illustrated with many engravings.
Sold CHARDIN Voyages du chevalier Chardin, en Perse, et autres lieux de l’... First complete edition of Chardin’s travels in Persia, enlarged with several parts and with Suleiman III’s crowning.
Sold LE GOBIEN, Charles Histoire des Isles Marianes, Nouvellement converties à la Religion ... Rare first edition of Le Gobien
Sold ROGER, Eugène La Terre saincte ; ou Description topographique très particuliere d... Extremely rare first edition of this important work about the Holy Land.
Sold LERY, Jean de. Histoire d’un voyage fait en la terre du Brésil, Autrement dite Amé... The illustrated account of Lery's travel to Brazil
Sold MEDINA, Pedro de L’arte del Navegar, in laqual si contengono lere gole, dechiaration... First Italian edition of the "Art of sailing" by Medina
Sold GRANDPRE, Louis Ohier de Voyage à la côte occidentale d’Afrique, fait dans les années 1786 e... An expedition to Africa with Captain Grandpré
Sold RAMUSIO, Giovanni Batista Delle Navigationi et Viaggi in molti luoghi corretta, et ampliata, ... Precious travel collection by Ramusio
Sold LA LOUBERE, Simon Du Royaume de Siam. Par Monsieur de La Loubère Envoyé extraordinair... First edition of the best work about Thailand published in the 17th century
Sold LAET, Jean de L’Histoire du Nouveau Monde ou Description des Indes occidentales, ... Rare first French translation of this work by Jean de Laet about America
Sold CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, Jean Voyage en Californie pour l’observation du passage de Vénus sur le ... First edition of Chappe d’Auteroche’s scientific expedition to California
Sold DRALSE DE GRANDPIERRE Relation de divers voyages dans l’Afrique, l’Amérique, & aux In... The rare travel relation by Dralsé de Granpierre in Africa, in America and in the Western Indies
Sold MERCATOR, Gerard. Atlas sive cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricat... Mercator’s famous atlas printed in Amsterdam in 1623, illustrated with 162 engravings, most of them on double-page, all of them finely contemporary watercolored.
Sold FROIS, R.P. Ludovico De rebus iaponicis historica relatio, eaque triplex… I. de Gl... Very rare reunion of works about China and Japan
Sold DEMERSAY, Alfred Histoire physique, économique et politique du Paraguay et des établ... Paraguay and Brazil seen by Demersay
Sold ZUDA ROKASHI (Prêtre Hotan) Nansenbushu Bankoku Shoka no zu (= carte d’ensemble de tous les pay... A superb and rare map of the Japanese Buddhists of the world by Zuda Rokashi.
Sold ZOLA, Emile Carte manuscrite de la Chine. Superb manuscript map of China executed at the height of the Chinese Empire,
Sold Bloch, Marcus-Elieser. Ichtyologie, ou histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des po... The most spectacular work dedicated to fishes
Sold DASSIE. Description generale des costes de l’Amerique, Havres, Isles, Caps,... First edition of Dassie’s description of America and “its savages”, soon after the great Jesuit missions.
Sold MERCATOR, Gerard. Atlas Sive Cosmographiae Meditationes De Fabrica Mundi Et Fabricati... Mercator’s famous atlas illustrated with 162 engravings, most of them on double-page, all watercolored at the time.
Sold BERGIER, Nicolas. Histoire des grands chemins de l’Empire romain, Contenant l’origine... The rare first edition of the Grands Chemins de l’Empire romain
Sold CHAMPOLLION LE JEUNE. Lettres écrites d’Égypte et de Nubie, en 1828 et 1829. Collec... First edition of one of the rarest works by Champollion about Egypt.
Sold Zienkowicz, Léon Les costumes du peuple polonais suivis d’une description exacte de ... First edition of this very rare album that shows the costume worn in various Polish regions during the Romantic period.
Sold Ovalle, Alonso de, de la Compania de Jesus. Historica relatione del regno di Cile, e delle missioni, e minister... Very attractive copy of this extremely rare Americana, of great importance for the knowledge of Amerindian populations of Chile and the cartography of the country.
Sold Garcilaso de la Vega. Historia general del Peru trata el descubrimiento del ; y como lo g... A unique testimony about the history of the Incas.
Sold Le Hay. Recueil de cent estampes représentant différentes nations du Levant... The most beautiful book about the nations of the Levant illustrated with 102 watercolored engravings.
Sold Mayer, Louis. Vues en Egypte, d’après les Dessins originaux en la possession de S... The superb album dedicated to Egypt by Mayer, illustrated with 48 finely watercolored plates “one of the finest landmarks of English typography and engraving”.
Sold BLAEU, Joan. Atlas Major, Sive Cosmographia Blaviana, Qua Solum, Salum, Coelum, ... First edition illustrated with 593 maps and views entirely colored and illuminated at the time.
Sold Langlès, Louis. Monuments anciens et modernes de l’Hindoustan, décrits sous le doub... First edition of this "very sought-after work illustrated with 3 maps and 144 engraved plates" which offers a complete description of Hindustan.
Sold Ovalle, Alonso de, de la Compania de Jesus. Historica relatione del Regno di Cile, E delle missioni, e mi... Very attractive copy of this extremely rare Americana, of great importance for the knowledge of Amerindian populations of Chile and the cartography of the country.
Sold BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE, Jean-Baptiste Joseph. L’Égypte et la Syrie, ou Mœurs, Usages, Costumes et Monumens des Ég... Egypt and Syria illustrated with 84 hand-coloured plates, bound in superb contemporary morocco signed by Chilliat, binder from the First Empire.
Sold [MANUSCRIT]. Cayer de canonage du Sieur Jean-François Marie Icard de Saint-Trope... A fascinating historical manuscript testifying to the activity of a gunner assistant from Saint Tropez who embarked on a warship at the end of the 18th century.
Sold COCKBURN, James Pattison Major. Views to illustrate the route of Mont Cenis. Drawn from nature, by ... First edition of this rare album gathering 50 views of the Alps drawn from life by the Major-general Cockburn at the very beginning of the 19th century.
Sold RHODES, Alexandre de. Divers voyages et missions en la Chine, & autres Royaumes de l’... Precious copy dedicated to Queen Anne of Austria (1601-1660) of the first edition of journeys to the Far East by Alexander of Rhodes (1591-1660).
Sold BELON, Pierre. Les Observations de plusieurs singularitez & choses memorables,... Belon's travels in Orient.
Sold BRY, Théodore de / PIGAFETTA, Filippo. Regnum Congo est Vera descriptio regni Africani, quod tam ab incoli... Very rare account of a journey to Congo undertaken at the end of the 16th century whose abundant illustration is of the highest interest both on the ethnographic and geographi...
Sold BRUCE, James. Voyage aux sources du Nil, en Nubie et en Abyssinie, Pendant les an... « One can notice inside Bruce’s accounts some events so extraordinary that they often look like novels. The exactness of several facts that was at first contested was however a...
Sold SAGARD-THEODAT, Gabriel. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, situé en l’Amérique vers la Mer... Very rare first edition of Gabriel Sagard’s famous travel account to Canada printed in 1632.
Sold HERRERA, Antonio de Histoire generale des Voyages et Conquestes des Castillans, dans le... First French edition of this travel book "dans les Isles et Terre-ferme des Indes Occidentales".
Sold LA CONDAMINE, Charles-Marie de Relation abrégée d’un voyage fait dans l’intérieur de l... First edition of this remarkable account by La Condamine of the first scientific descent of the Amazon.
Sold VISSCHER, Nicholas Atlas Minor Sive totius Orbis Terrarum contracta delinea (ta) ex co... La dorure des cartes de l’Atlas Mellon est si impressionnante que Cornelis Koeman, le célèbre spécialiste néerlandais d’Atlas, l'a décrit comme « l’Atlas le plus spectaculaireme...
Sold ROBERTSON (1721-1793). L’Histoire de l’Amérique, Par M. Robertson, Principal de l’Universi... First 12mo edition, published 3 years after the English original.