MONNIER, Henry. Mœurs parisiennes.

Price : 13.500,00 

Monnier's Moeurs parisiennes
A very rare set of coloured lithographs dedicated by Henry Monnier to Parisian life.

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SKU: LCS-13286 Category:

Paris, Gihaut frères, 1828.

Oblong 4to with 10 numbered lithographs. Preserved in the editor’s pink printed wrappers used as the title. 340 x 258 mm.

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Very rare set of lithographs dedicated by Henry Monnier to Parisian life. Rahir, La Bibliothèque de l’amateur, 548 ; Bulletin Morgand et Fatout, n°10545.


A set of 10 humorous numbered and coloured pen lithographs. They are entitled: Les Sots sont ici bas pour nos menus plaisirs, Un Futur, Une Education à faire, Inutilités, On ne vous voit plus, Milord !, Les rafraichissemens sont pour les dames, Une demoiselle à produire, Des Mamans de Comédie, Monsieur mon Fils est-il chez lui ?, Le Contentement de sa personne. Henry Monnier (1799-1877) was a French dramatist, caricaturist and actor. Between 1827 and 1832, he produced several albums of lithographs, representing the customs and features of his contemporaries. A very nice copy of this rare suite of lithographs contemporary coloured, preserved in the editor’s pink printed wrappers. We couldn’t locate any copy of this rare set among Public Institutions worldwide. No copy of this rare suite appeared on the public market since the beginning of the records, 40 years ago.

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