RECUEIL DES EDICTS DU ROY le vingtiesme Décembre mil six cens trente cinq.

Price : 7.900,00 

The edicts and declarations of King Louis XIII
Collection of 42 edicts and declarations rendered during the year 1635, preserved in its period binding in gilt vellum with the arms of King Louis XIII.

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SKU: LCS-15975 Category:

Paris, Antoine Estienne, P. Mettayer & P. Rocolet, King’s Printers, 1636.

Strong in-8. Flexible ivory vellum, double frame of triple gilt fillet on the boards with golden fleur-de-lis at the corners, arms stamped in gold at the center, smooth spine adorned with gilt fillets forming false bands and golden fleur-de-lis, gilt edges, slight restoration to one corner of the second board. Binding of the time.<72>

168 x 106 mm.

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Important collection of 42 Edicts and Declarations issued by King Louis XIII during the year 1635 and published under a common title in December by the King’s printers.<2>

Through a coup, Louis XIII came to power on April 24, 1617. Cardinal Richelieu entered the king’s council in 1624. Louis XIII and Richelieu then shared a vision of the greatness of France and priorities in political matters. Richelieu’s political program involves diminishing the power of the grandees, rationalizing the administrative system, and fighting the Habsburg family abroad.

ab Louis XIII controls the local authorities through his centralizing government with the concern for the welfare of the people and the salvation of his States. He is at the origin of the edict obliging bishops to grant a remuneration to clergy officers. He allows the Jesuit school of Clermont to return to Paris and opens it to the sons of the bourgeoisie. He also helps Saint Vincent de Paul to found a religious congregation aimed at helping the poorest. The corps of Intendants replaces the bailiffs and seneschals in managing the territory. During his reign, the first Louis d’or was minted. He completed the construction of the Pont Neuf, dug the Briare Canal, and created the first office for the census of the unemployed and invalids. However, the weight of conflicts bears heavily on taxation.<72m> 91>

The Edicts in the collection mainly concern the administration of the kingdom : appointments, creation of offices, taxes, exemptions from taille, creation of a presidial in Brioude, a chief election in Cognac, creation of a Court of Parliament in Metz, creation of Prosecutors, Receivers payers, creation of a third chamber in the Court of Aids of Paris, Declaration of the King against Deserters from his Arms, increase of wages… Each of the Edicts and each of the declarations bears the royal arms engraved at the top.

Very appealing copy, beautifully patinated, bound at the time in gilded vellum with royal arms.<72>

It comes from the library of Gaspart Froment<72- with a handwritten ex-libris dated 1636 on the title. Doctor Regent at the University of Valence, he published a text against the Jesuits entitled 2dAvertissement pour les universités de France contre les Jésuites

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