FROIS, R.P. Ludovico De rebus iaponicis historica relatio, eaque triplex… I. de Gloriosa morte 26 crucifixorum ; Legatione regis Chinensium ad regem Japoniae… III. de Rebus per Japoniam anno 1596 a PP. Soc. Jesu… gestis, a R. P. Ludovico Frois,… ad R. P. Claudium Aquavivam… missa, et ex italico idiomate, Moguntiae, in latinam linguam translata.


Very rare reunion of works about China and Japan
One of the rarest volumes of the 16th century about China and Japan of this famous collection of travel books. Years 1598-1599-1601 and 1602.

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SKU: LCS-16676 Category:

I. Moguntiae, Ioannis Albini, 1599.

II. Moguntiae, apud Ludovicum Zannetti, Albini, 1602.

III. Moguntiae, Henrici Breem, 1598.

IV. Moguntiae, Albini ou Breem, 1598-1602.

That is 4 works bound in 1 12mo volume [160 x 90 mm] of: I/ (4) ll., 314 pp., (1) l. bearing the impression date; II/ 123 pp., (1) p., (2) bl.ll.; III/ (1) l. of title, 53 ll., (1) l., (1) bl.l.; IV/ (2) ll., 132 pp. Ancient handwritten notes on the second endleaf, small worm track in the upper margin of pp. 38 to 53 of the 3rd text affecting some letters, tear affecting the text in the 1st blank endleaf, libraries stamps on the first title page. Bound in full contemporary mottled vellum, flat spine, red morocco lettering piece, library stamp at the foot of the spine. Contemporary binding.

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Very rare reunion of four works relating the missions of the Portuguese Jesuits Luis Frois, Nicolas Pimenta, Jean-Baptiste Peruschi, Nicolas Longobardi, Francesco Pasio and Petro Gomez in Japan and in China.

I/ Extremely rare first edition, as are the relations of missionaries to Japan printed in the 16th century.The Max Besson Library of ‘Japonica’ Collection”, n°88; Cordier, Bibliotheca Japonica, 199.

Two copies are listed: B.n.F. and British Museum.

The cross on the title is surrounded by the words Effigies (left), Crucis (above) et Iaponicae (right).

II/ First edition of the utmost rarity of this relation to the Western Indies in 1600 printed in 1602. Carayon, Bibliographie historique de la Compagnie de Jésus, 727. Translation by Joannes Busaeus.

III/ 16th century first edition of the utmost rarity. Cordier, 196. Two copies are listed: B.n.F. and British Museum.

At the end: Omnia ex idiomate Italico in latinum conuersa in Collegio Moguntia Societatis iesu Approb. 4 Martij 1597.

Encloses a letter from Father Xavier, dated from Lahore, August 20th, 1595.

IV/ First editions of the utmost rarity of these three relations about China in 1598; “the Mogor kingdom” in 1598 and 1599 and Japan in 1598. Carayon, 722.

The different parts of this fourth work are respectively entitled: “Exemplum epistolae a P. Nicolao Longobardo, anno 1598, ex China conscriptae ad R. P. Claudium Aquavivam Societatis Jesu generalem”; “Historica relatio de missione ad regnum Magni Mogor excerpta ex litteris P. Hieronymi Xavieri, anno 98 et P. Emmanuelis Pigneiri, anno 99, datis”; “Exemplum brevis historicae narrationis rerum in Japonia a christianis anno Domini MDCVIII… gestarum et de morte Taicosamae ejusdem regni monarchae, ad R. P. N. Claudium Aquavivam,… datum a R. P. Francisco Pasio,…”; “Brevis narratio rerum quarundam in Japonia gestarum a Petro Gomez,… anno MDXCVIII ad R. P. Claudium Aquavivam,… perscripta.”

The letters of the Fathers Xavier and Pinheiro are very likely translated from an original Portuguese text.

Fine copy preserved in its first mottled vellum binding.

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FROIS, R.P. Ludovico