BONAPARTE, Charles-Lucie. Iconographie des pigeons non figurés par Mme Knip (Mme Pauline de Courcelles) dans les deux volumes de MM. Temminck et Florent Prévost.

Price : 15.500,00 

A great hunting and ornithology book dedicated to pigeons.
First edition of one of the most beautiful hunting and ornithology books dedicated to pigeons, illustrated with 55 etchings contemporary hand-colored.

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Paris, P. Bertrand, 1857 (1858).

Large folio [550 x 360 mm] of (123) ll., 55 full page plates in colors within the text. Bound in half blue morocco, title stamped in gilt letters on the flat spine, wrappers of the 3rd part bound at the end. 20th century binding.

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First edition of one of the most beautiful hunting and ornithology books dedicated to pigeons, illustrated with 55 etchings contemporary hand-colored engraved after Paul-Louis Oudart, F. Willy and E. Blanchart’s drawings and printed by Lemercier.

Brunet, I, 1087; Nissen IVB, 117; Ronsil, p. 58 (wrongfully mentions 57 plates); Sitwell, 79; Ayer/Zimmer 78; Fine Bird Books, 60; Mc Gill/Wood, 248.

Considered among the finest books ever published on the subject of pigeons, this work was intended to form a supplement to Mme Knip’s Les Pigeons but “ranks as a completely separate work” (Fine Bird Books).

This treatise was published by A. Moquin Tandon, an eminent ornithologist, member of the Institute.

The prince Bonaparte had scheduled the project in 30 parts and 150 etchings but his death occurred after the 4th part’s publication leaving the manuscript and the etchings unfinished; which explains the irregularity of the plates numbering.

Stiwell in Fine Bird Books, the reference book, considers this book highly beautiful and grants it 2 stars.

“The hand-colored bird portraits are extremely fine.” (Mc Gill/Wood).

The illustration is composed of 55 superb lithographed plates and contemporary hand-colored.

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BONAPARTE, Charles-Lucie.