BUTCHER, Just-François. Recueil de décorations intérieures.

Price : 12.000,00 

First edition of the utmost rarity of this precious collection of interior design by the son of the painter François Boucher, illustrated with 60 plates in first issue.
Extremely rare first edition of this precious collection of interior design.

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SKU: LCS-18057 Categories: ,

N.p. [Paris], n.n. [Chéreau], n.d. [c. 1774-1775].

Folio [391 x 251 mm] of 60 engraved plates, rare marginal foxing.

Full red morocco, triple gilt fillet around the covers, spine ribbed and richly decorated, black lettering-piece, gilt edges. Contemporary binding.

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Extremely rare first edition of this precious collection of interior design.

Berlin 4054.

“Folio with 60 plates published in 15 issues. Louis XVI style interior decorations” (Rahir Bibliothèque 337).

One of the major works of Boucher, son of the great painter. The plates show interior decoration at the height of the Louis XVI style (and the transition from Louis XV) which few works of the time had done.”

The architect and engraver Juste-François Boucher (1736-1782), son of the famous painter François Boucher, essentially dedicated his first works to decoration without neglecting locksmithery, furniture and jewellery. The Recueil de décorations intérieures is the complement of the above through the accuracy of the details.

This collection is illustrated with 60 superb plates out of pagination on interior design showing some Décorations de Lambris, des Elévations d’alcoves, d’un Buffet à vaisselle, d’une Armoire, des Plans et Elévations d’une salle de Bain, d’une salle à manger avec un Buffet, d’une Chambre à coucher, de Bibliothèques aux côtés d’une Cheminée, etc. (a bathroom, a bedroom, some bookcases alongside a chimney, etc.…).

Superb copy of this extremely rare collection identifying 18th century furniture, preserved in its contemporary red morocco binding, extremely rare condition for this work published in the form of booklets.

No copy of this first edition complete with its 60 plates has appeared on the public market since 1960.

A facsimile of this work has been published in 1900.

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BUTCHER, Just-François.


S.l. [Paris], s.n. [Chéreau], s.d. [c. 1774-1775].