[MANUSCRIPT] HISTORICAL JOURNAL OF ALL THE BATTLES. Sièges et Prises de Villes, Exploits de Guerre, et Evenemens les plus mémorables Arrivés sous le Regne de Louis Le Grand Pendant les deux dernières Guerres, Depuis 1688 jusques en 1715. Avec Les Plans des Villes, leurs Fortifications ; les Attaques, Tranchées, Dispositions des Lignes, & Mouvemens des Armées.

Price : 35.000,00 

Dedication manuscript illustrated with 9 large drawings of fortified places, watercolored on double-page including Ath, fortified by Vauban, in red morocco with dentelle and the arms of Louis XIV.
The handwritten diary of political and military events of the year 1688.

1 in stock

N. p. n. d. [Paris, towards 1715].

Folio of (46) ll, 9 double-page watercolors. Full red morocco, Louvre dentelle around the covers, royal coat of arms gilt-stamped in the center, spine ribbed richly decorated with fleur-de-lys and gilt stars, inner gilt border, gilt edges. Some scratches. Contemporary binding.

445 x 307 mm.

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The handwritten diary of political and military events of the year 1688.

Carefully handwritten in black ink, it recounts in great detail the troubled events of this period of Louis XIV’s reign, during which France was at war with most of its neighboring states.

“The revocation of the Edict of Nantes on October 18, 1685 had just raised the Protestant conscience… On July 9, 1686, the Emperor, Spain, Sweden, Bavaria and the princes of the Franconian circle formed the so-called League of Augsburg against him. When a new conflict opposed him to the Pope about the “franchises” enjoyed in Rome by the French embassy, he seized Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin. He had Cologne and the Palatinate occupied.

It is in an atmosphere of true anti-French hatred that we learn, in Europe, of the coup de théâtre which profoundly modifies the balance of power: the English revolution of 1688 which dethrones the Francophile and Catholic Stuart Jacques II for the worst enemy of Louis XIV, William of Orange. Hostilities began in September 1688 and were immediately marked by his atrocious act: the systematic devastation of the Palatinate decided by the king, at the instigation of Louvois.”

G. Duby, L’âge classique, p. 299.

The treaty is part of this context and relates the main events.

The manuscript is illustrated with 9 large plans and views on double-page (570 x 440 mm), finely watercolored at the time, in fresh colors: View and plan of the fortress of Mongast in Hungary. – New fortifications of the fortress of Mongast. – The imperial army in front of Belgrade. – Detailed plan of the city, the castle and the suburbs of Belgrade. – Map of Philisbourg, the city, the crowned work, the horned work. – Situation of the city and the castle of Manheim. – Map of Manheim and its new fortifications. – Map of Frankedal.

Also included in good order is the plan of the fortress of Ath, drawn up by Maréchal de Vauban and “whose fortification may serve as a perfect model of this art”.

A precious dedication manuscript destined for the royal household, bound in contemporary red morocco, decorated with the louvre’s dentelle and the arms of king Louis XIV.

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N. p. n. d. [Paris, towards 1715].