BRY, Johann Theodor et Johann Israel. I. Acta Mechmeti i Saracenorum Principis natales, vitam, victorias, imperium et mortem eius ominosam complectencia. Genealogia successorum eiusdem ad modernum usque Mechmetem III. II. Vaticinia. Severi et Leonis in Oriente… Frankfurt, Jo. Theodorum & Jo. Israelem de Bry, 1597.
2 parts in 1 volume 4to [18.9 x 14.7 cm]. (1), (8) pp. with the frontispiece, the dedication and the notice to the reader, pp. 1-58, (1) bl.l., pp. 59-96, (6) pp. with the index, (1) bl.l. Contemporary limp vellum, title handwritten on the spine, ties.
Rare first edition of this important work dedicated to the Ottoman empire. Cicognara 1863 ; Praz S. 291 ; Göllner 2286 ; Blackmer Coll 464 ; Atabey 331.
The text is divided into 2 distinct parts. The first one recounts the history of Islam since its creation by Mahomet until the sultanate of Mahomet III from 1595 to 1603; the second part relates a prophecy of the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
The rich and superb illustration by the Bry brothers consists of 9 plates in the first work illustrating the life of the prophet and 16 finely engraved emblems in the second text.
« Dieci tavole oltre il bellissimo frontespizio ornano il primo opusculetto, e 16 emblemi intagliati con grande accuratezza trovansi nel secondo. In tutto tavole 26 accompagnate dal testo relativo ». (Cicognara 1863).