BRY Acta Mechmeti i Saracenorum Principis natales, vitam, victorias, imperium et mortem eius ominosam complectencia. Genealogia successorum eiusdem ad modernum usque Mechmetem III. II. Vaticinia. Severi et Leonis in Oriente…


Important work dedicated to the Ottoman empire
The rare first edition of this work dedicated to the Ottoman Empire, handsomely illustrated by the de Bry brothers. Frankfurt, 1597.

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BRY, Johann Theodor et Johann Israel. I. Acta Mechmeti i Saracenorum Principis natales, vitam, victorias, imperium et mortem eius ominosam complectencia. Genealogia  successorum eiusdem ad modernum usque Mechmetem III. II. Vaticinia. Severi et Leonis in Oriente… Frankfurt, Jo. Theodorum & Jo. Israelem de Bry, 1597.

2 parts in 1 volume 4to [18.9 x 14.7 cm]. (1), (8) pp. with the frontispiece, the dedication and the notice to the reader, pp. 1-58, (1) bl.l., pp. 59-96, (6) pp. with the index, (1) bl.l. Contemporary limp vellum, title handwritten on the spine, ties.

Rare first edition of this important work dedicated to the Ottoman empire. Cicognara 1863 ; Praz S. 291 ; Göllner 2286 ; Blackmer Coll 464 ; Atabey 331.

The text is divided into 2 distinct parts. The first one recounts the history of Islam since its creation by Mahomet until the sultanate of Mahomet III from 1595 to 1603; the second part relates a prophecy of the fall of the Ottoman Empire.  

The rich and superb illustration by the Bry brothers consists of 9 plates in the first work illustrating the life of the prophet and 16 finely engraved emblems in the second text.

« Dieci tavole oltre il bellissimo frontespizio ornano il primo opusculetto, e 16 emblemi intagliati con grande accuratezza trovansi nel secondo. In tutto tavole 26 accompagnate dal testo relativo ». (Cicognara 1863).

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A very fine copy of this rare work dedicated to the Ottoman Empire, preserved in its contemporary vellum.

The last copy to appear at auction was sold by Sotheby’s London on the 28th of May 2002 for £ 9 560 (= € 15 000). It was bound in 19th century morocco by Hardy and was missing 3 leaves.

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