MŒURS ET COUTUMES DES PEUPLES, ou Collections de tableaux représentant les usages remarquables, les mariages, funérailles, supplices et fêtes des diverses nations du monde. Paris, Madame Veuve Hocquart, 1811-1814. 2 volumes 4to [260 x 200 mm], the 1st one illustrated with 74 full-page plates, the second one with 70 plates. Half-calf, flat spines, red morocco lettering-pieces. Contemporary binding.
Rare first edition, published in parts, the first part being printed in 1811. Colas (2109) only mentions 143 plates, not in Lipperheide or Barbier. The present work gives and interesting presentation of 61 nations of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Oceania, illustrated with 144 plates out of pagination contemporary hand-colored.
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The illustration is composed of 144 copper-engravings enhanced with colors at the time, under silky-papers, highly interesting as they present the customs (weddings, funerals, tortures, etc.) of 61 nations of the world: Europe (Turkey, Russia, Albany, Finland, Lapland, Greece…), Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Iran, India, Tibet, peoples in Siberia, Yakutsk, Korea, Tonkin, Japan, Vietnam...), Africa (Maghreb, Guinea, Abyssinia, Congo, Cafre, Madagascar, Tuaregs...), America (Mexico, Canada, Louisiana, Greenland, various American Indian tribes, Intuits, French Guiana, Brazil, Aleutian, Peru…), Oceania (Indonesia, Sandwich Islands, Marquesas, Pelew, New-Zealand…). We have to point out the depiction of a Finnish sauna, of whirling dervishes, a scene of Yakut shamanism, a suttee or sacrifice of the Indian widows, an ostrich hunt in the desert, an Iroquois scalping, Gauchos at work… Our copy is enriched, compared to the tables, with 2 plates for Greece, that is to say a total of 144 plates (Colas announces only 143).
A beautiful and fresh copy illustrated with 144 hand-colored plates.
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