Volume 4to bound in ivory vellum of the time, flat spine.
237 x 175 mm.
Only one copy at the B.n.F. (Richelieu + Music).
- COSTANZI, Giovanni Battista (1704-1778). Carlo Magno festa Teatrale in occasione della
nascita del Delfino Offerta alle… Re, e Regina de Francia dal Cardinale Otthoboni..
Rome, Antonio de Rossi, 1729.
4to. Frontispiece, title, (20) and 64 pp., some wormholes in the final leaf.
Title vignette engraved with the royal arms of France, engraved frontispiece, and 13 plates by Francesco Vasconi after Michetti, historical introduction in Italian and French.
First edition and beautiful copy.
Costanzi wrote this opera, “remarkable for the splendor of its staging” (Grove II, p. 461), to celebrate the birth of the Dauphin Louis, son of Louis XIV and Maria Leckzinska.
Michetti (1704-1778) wrote the libretto while serving Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, at whose palace it was performed.
One of the two cymbalists depicted on the frontispiece could be Costanzi.
Cicognara 1497; Colas 1106; Berlin Kat. 4147.
The text is preceded by a “Notizia storica” in Italian and French, dedicated “to the Sacred Royal Majesties of the King and Queen of France by Cardinal Ottoboni, protector of the affairs of the Crown.” The frontispiece depicts the proscenium of the theater, the arms of France engraved on the title, and 13 magnificent plates out of text illustrating the various scenes of the festival, drawn by Nicolò Michetti, impresario of Cardinal Ottoboni, and finely engraved in copper by Filippo Vasconi, Carlo Grandi, Paolo Pilaja, and G. Massi. The frontispiece is of particular importance as it constitutes one of the earliest depictions of a Baroque orchestra, consisting of 11 elements and directed by Costanzi.
First edition of this opera libretto in three acts in verse, written by Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, nephew of Pope Alexander VIII, to celebrate the birth of the Dauphin of France, Louis (1729-65), only son of Louis XV and Maria Leckzinska and future father of Louis XVI; the music was composed by Giovanni Costanzi (known as Giovannino del Violoncello, Rome 1704-1778, a great composer and innovator in cello technique), then in the service of Ottoboni and Maestro di Cappella in S. Luigi dei Francesi. The festival, which took place in Piazza Navona, was animated by sumptuous fireworks, designed by Pierleone Ghezzi on behalf of Cardinal Melchior de Polignac, ambassador of France to Rome, who gifted Ghezzi a diamond worth over 200 gold coins. (small ink stains in the upper corner of pages 33-34. “The illustrations constitute a valuable document for theater history, the frontispiece represents the only known depiction, outside Juvarra’s drawings, of the Cancelleria theater” (Olivier Michel). Esposito, Annali di A. de Rossi, 449-50. Sonneck, Cat. of Opera Librettos, I, 259. Allacci 166. Sartori 5108. Information on Costanzi in Diz. Biogr. It., vol. 30, pp. 380-3.
Preceded by:
- Metastasi, Pietro. Componimento dramatico da cantarsi in occasione della
felicissima nascita del real Delfino per ordine dell’eminentissimo signor cardinale di Polignac ministro di sua maestà cristianissima presso la Santa Sede. [Poesia del signor abbate Pietro Metastasio ; music adel signor Leonardo Vinci].
In Rome, Antonio de’Rossi, on the street of the Roman Seminary, 1729.
22, (2) pp.: engravings; folio.
Authors of the text and music on p. 3
2 parts
Sign.: A12
On the front. engraving vignette (Cornucopias and serpents. Spes populorum votum soluit libens merito)
Headpieces, tailpieces, engraved initials, mostly alluding to the Dauphin of France
On p. 3: Interlocutors
On p. 4: Imprimatur
Cantata also known as La contesa de’ Numi, performed by Cardinal Polignac in the courtyard of Palazzo Altemps on November 26 and 30, 1729 (November 25, 1729: New Grove 2. ed.), see S. Franchi, Le impressioni sceniche, Rome 1994, p. 672, no. 129.
Preceded by:
Only one copy at the B.n.F. (Richelieu – Performing Arts).
- Mancin, Giambattista. Per la Nascita del Real Delfino di Francia All’Eminentissimo…
Cardinal di Polignac…
Rome, Giovanni Maria Salvioni, 1729.
Illustrated; Initials and vignette engraved in copper, xv pp.
Preceded by:
Missing from B.n.F.
- Raccolta di eruditi componimenti con una cantata à quattro Voci, Opera del Metastasio, e
Notizie Generali delle Feste celebrate per il Felice Nascimento del Real Delfino… dedicata all’Emo… Cardinal di Polignac…
Rome, Gio: Battista Caporali, 1730.
Illustrated; Initials and headpieces engraved in copper; (8) pp., 70. Metastasio’s opera, with music by Leonardo Vinci, begins on p. 16.
Preceded by:
Only one copy at the B.n.F. – Tolbiac.
- Festivals.
Circo agonale di Roma Restituito all’antica forma con illuminazioni e macchine artificiali dall’E. mo, e R. mo Cardinale di Polignac ministro di S. M. Christianissima per celebrate il felice nascimento del Delfino.
Rome, Nella stamperia di Gio. Battista de Caporali, per andare all’Orso, 1729.
In-4 of 32 pp. and a large folding plate.
Extremely rare first edition.
Presentation copy on very large vellum paper.
A large historiated initial, decorative headpieces and tailpieces. With the arms of Cardinal Polignac on the title page. A very rare account of the elaborate transformation of Piazza Navona to celebrate the birth of Louis, son of King Louis XV of France (1715-1774) and his royal wife Maria Leczinska (1703-1768). Rococo painter Pier Leone Ghezzi (1674-1750), in charge of staging the events, restored the square to its former glory as Domitian’s stadium, whose foundations are buried under the square and give the modern space its unique elongated shape. The spectacle was captured by Roman painter Giovanni Paolo Pannini (1691-1765), who made a painting of the square in its splendor, of which two versions exist. One is at the Louvre, the other at the National Gallery of Ireland. The square was transformed with the erection of magnificent columns, quadriform temples (all painted to resemble marble), monumental statues, and fountains where wine flowed (which was distributed to spectators). The centerpiece of the scene, Bernini’s Fountain of the Four Rivers; Borromini’s Church of Saint Agnes provided an imposing backdrop for this splendid display. All these elements, including the inscriptions, the symbolism of the statuary, the royal coats of arms, the garlands of laurels, flowers, and flowers that unified the elements, the torches and candelabra that illuminated the entire scene, the various instruments played, etc., are described in detail. The performances are also described. Musicians played from elevated stages, delighting the crowd with their songs. There were fireworks (directed by the papal bombers from Castel Sant’Angelo), a cavalry parade, and a dramatic performance written by the famous librettist Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782), with music by Leonardo Vinci (1690-1730). The performance took place at the residence of the French ambassador, the Palazzo Altemps, at the northern end of the square. The last page of the account names the artists, the scenographer, and the engineers in charge of the fireworks. The second part of the volume contains sonnets composed in honor of the Dauphin, his mother Maria Leczinska, and the French ambassador to the Vatican, Cardinal Melchior di Polignac.
- Distinta Relazione delle Feste celebrate in Roma per ordine dell’e… Cardinal di Polignac…
in occasione della felice nascita del Real Delfino di Francia.
Rome, Rocco Bernabò, 1729. 15 pp.
- Distinta Relazione e Notizie della Macchina di fuoco Artificiale, fatta in Piazza Navona… 4
Ottobre 1725… Dall’Emo… cardinale Melchiorre di Polignac… in occasione delle Reggie Nozze dell’istesse Sagre, e Reale Maestà di Luigi XV, e Maria.
Rome, Pietro Ferri, 1725.
- 4
No copies at the B.n.F.
- L. A sua Eminenza il Sig. Cardinal di Polignac in occasione… Sonetto.
Rome, Bernabò, 1725.
No copies at the B.n.F.
1 folded sheet, tear.
- Componimento per musica da recitarsi nel Palazzo dell’Emo… Cardinal di Polignac… in
occasione delle Felicissime Nozze… Music adel Sig. Francesco Gasparini.
Rome, 1725.
Illustrated; pp. 14 + 2 folding copper engraved plates; Initials and vignette engraved in copper, tear in one plate.
Celebrations in Rome on the occasion of the king’s marriage. Extract from a letter written from that city on October 10, 1725:
The festival given by Cardinal de Polignac, chargé d’affaires of the King at this Court, on the occasion of His Majesty’s Marriage, began on the 24th of the previous month at nightfall, with a discharge of one hundred boëtes arranged in the Piazza dell’Apollinare, where the Cardinal’s Palace is located. It was illuminated by a large number of fire pots, lamps in all the windows of the houses, and white wax torches on all the facades. In the middle, a fort with four bastions was erected, at the top of which a large basin flowed with five fountains of wine. Drums and trumpets followed the boëtes, and the entire city came to see the illumination. There was a magnificent illumination the same evening at the National Church of Saint Louis, and beautiful ones at the churches of Trinità dei Monti, Saint Anthony, Saint Yves, Saint Claude, Saint Denis, Notre Dame des Miracles, even at the Convent of the Holy Spirit, whose nuns are Italian but under the King’s protection. The Palaces of Cardinals Ottoboni, Gualterio, and Cienfuegos, the French Academy of Painting and Sculpture, and most of the Palaces and other houses in the city were also illuminated. On the morning of the 25th, Cardinal de Polignac, accompanied by a large number of Prelates, went in great ceremony to the Church of Saint Louis, where Cardinals Ottoboni and Gualterio attended, as well as the main nobles of this city. The Bishop of Eleutheropolis celebrated the Mass, which was sung by excellent music, as was the Te Deum, during which a large number of boëtes were fired. The fountains of wine continued to flow that day. In the evening, the illuminations resumed, and there was a Cantata at Cardinal de Polignac’s residence. The gallery of the Palace, facing which a Theater for Music had been set up, was occupied by Cardinals, numbering 19, the Ambassador of Venice, Roman Princes, Prelates, and Gentlemen of the first order; Princesses and other Ladies of this city, and a large number of distinguished foreigners. Those who could not be accommodated in the Gallery were seated on benches arranged on either side of the Theater. A large quantity of refreshments was distributed, and after the Cantata, a very magnificent spread of confectioneries and iced fruits was served. This Cantata, whose lyrics are by Ignazio de Bonis of the Arcadian Academy, and the music by Francesco Gasparini, both renowned authors, appeared to all connoisseurs perfectly beautiful and admirably executed. It was printed here, and I sent you a copy. Among the vignettes, which are very well engraved and related to this grand subject, there are several emblems and devices that you will undoubtedly appreciate: among them, the terrestrial Globe illuminated by a Rising Sun, with the words, “Jam magnus, sed quantus erit.” This festival was supposed to end with fireworks, which were prepared in Piazza Navona for the 26th but continuous rain forced its postponement to the 4th of this month. Cardinal Ottoboni lent Cardinal de Polignac, to receive the Company, the Orsini Palace, located opposite the fireworks. Since the Piazza dell’Apollinare is connected to Piazza Navona, His Eminence chose this vast area to set up the fireworks machine. There were scaffolds everywhere, and people could be seen even on the roofs.
Description of the fireworks
The main subject of the decoration represented the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, celebrated on Mount Olympus. In the print that was engraved here, which I sent you, Jupiter presides over the wedding, Venus and the Graces are near Cupid and Psyche, Ganymede gives them Nectar. The Goddess of Beauty appears with that of Wisdom on which she leans. Jealous Juno was not invited to the festival. Apollo represents what is most refined, the Court, the Nobles, the Cities, the Scholars, Pan and Sylvan represent the People of the Countryside. The Seine and the Vistula, whose gods are depicted at the foot of the Mount with appropriate symbols, mix their waters; the Zephyrs are finally ready to serve the young spouses. T
he fireworks began at one o’clock at night, to the sound of drums and trumpets. It succeeded to perfection, lasting nearly two hours without interruption, always with the same force and abundance. This vast square was full of spectators, and the people of Rome, who have long loved nothing more than games and grand spectacles, expressed their joy with continuous acclamations.
To ignore the merit and virtue, and also omit a significant detail of this festival, it had a Superintendent and a Conductor who greatly contributed to its success; it is the Chevalier Ghezzi, a man of admirable taste and excellent character, who put more effort into this occasion than if it had been a question of fortune. He was born with rare talents cultivated by his father, a reputed Painter. Here is the Print received from Rome, reduced to half its original size, which we had engraved for the satisfaction of our readers.
Unique collection recorded gathering nine extremely rare original editions, three of which are missing from the b.n.f, relating to the festivals organized by cardinal de Polignac in Rome in 1725 and 1729 to celebrate the marriage of Louis XV and the birth of the Dauphin.