Brother LEON CARMELITE RHEDONENSIS. Julii Mazarini eminentissimi Cardinalis. Elogium Funebre.

Price : 7.000,00 

Description of the Funeral Ceremony organized for Mazarin in Rome.
Beautiful copy with wide margins preserved in its original limp vellum binding.    

1 in stock

Rome, Typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, 1661.

(In Latin) of (1) blank leaf, 1 engraved frontispiece, 18 pp.

Bound together, same city, same publisher, same date:

  • Funeral Elegy of the Eminent Cardinal Jules Mazarin.

Rome, à l’Imprimerie de la Rev. Chambre Apostolique, 1661. Avec permission des supérieurs. (In French). 22 pp.

  • Abbot Benedetti, Elpidio. Pompa funebre Nell’Esequie celebrate in Roma Al Cardinal

Mazarini Nella Chiesa de SS. Vincenzo, & Anastasio. L’abbate el Pidio Beneditti Agente del medesimo Cardinale in detta Città, L’invento, la descisse, e la dedico all’eccellentiss. Signor Duca Mazarini Armando Carlo Della Porta Gran Maestro dell’Artegliaria di Francia.

Rome, Nella Stamparai della Rev. Cam. Apost, 1661.

(In Italian). 16 pp., 2 full-page plates outside the text, 3 folding plates with 1 small tear without loss on one of the 3.

  • Elogio funebre del Eminentissimo Cardenale Mazerino.

Rome, En la Emprenta de la Rev. Camera Apostolica, 1661.

(In Spanish). (1) blank leaf, 15 pp.

  • Fra Cirillo Di Termine Carmelito. Elogio funebre dell’eminentissimo cardinal


Rome, Nella Stamparia della Reveranda Camera Apostolica, 1661.

(In Italian). (1) blank leaf, 16 pp., (1) blank leaf.

These are 5 texts bound together in a folio volume, limp vellum, with slight loss to the spine, sprinkled edges. Binding of the period.

295 x 215 mm.

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First edition of the description, by Benedetti, of the funeral ceremony he designed for Mazarin, dedicated to Armand Charles de la Porte, duke of Mazarin.

Berlin 3213; Cicognara 1456; Vinet 500.

The author of this work was Mazarin’s agent in Rome from 1645 to 1651. He organized this ceremony in the church of Saints Vincent and Anastasius, founded by Mazarin (whose memory is engraved on the church’s portal), in the close vicinity of the Trevi fountain.

For the ceremony, the church of SS. Vincenzo e Anastasio was decorated by Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi, painter and architect.

The work consists of a part devoted to the church and the ceremony, followed by the funeral elegy in Latin, French, Spanish, Italian.

The different versions of the Elegy are respectively addressed to Cardinal Antonio Barberini, Louis XIV, Queen Marie Therese of Austria, and Philippe Mancini, Duke of Nevers.

A fine volume on the funeral in Rome of Cardinal Jules Mazarin (1602-1661, born Giulio Raimondo Mazzarino), with Benedetti’s illustrated descriptive text bound with by Leone Carmelitano Francese’s elegy in four languages: Latin, French, Spanish and Italian.

The illustration consists of an engraved frontispiece and 5 plates including 3 folding ones by Giovanni Battista Gallostruzzi and Dominique Barrière after Benedetti.

Mazarin was a noted collector of art and jewels, particularly diamonds, and he bequeathed the “Mazarin diamonds” to Louis XIV in 1661, some of which remain in the collection of the Louvre museum in Paris.

His personal library, including his copy of the Gutenberg Bible, was the origin of the Bibliothèque Mazarine in Paris.

Beautiful copy with wide margins preserved in its original limp vellum binding.

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Rome, Typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, 1661.