Paris, Pierre Didot l’Aîné, 1795.
12 volumes 12mo [150 x 90 mm], a few ll. slightly browned. Red straight-grained morocco, gilt border around the covers, spines ribbed and richly decorated, inner gilt border, gilt edges. Contemporary binding signed Simier.
One of the 100 copies printed on large vellum paper.
Brunet, III, 1858; Morgand & Fatout, 10548; Quérard, La France littéraire, VI, 243.
One of the main editions of Montesquieu’s works, mentioned by Brunet: “Quite pretty edition and which was edited by the Abbé de la Roche.”
Common copies have been printed on ordinary paper.
“On vellum paper (print run of 200 copies), and on large vellum paper (print run of 100 copies)” Quérard.
It contains “The Spirit of Laws“, “Persian Letters“, “The Temple of Gnidos”, “Arsace and Ismenie“, “Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and their Decline”, “Lettres familières”, “Discours et pensées”.
The title of the first volume is illustrated with a portrait of Montesquieu by Saint-Aubin.
Superb copy, one of the very few from the deluxe issue printed on large vellum paper, preserved in its contemporary bright red morocco bindings signed by Simier.
Provenance: G. Marpillat (with ex libris), who inserted at the beginning of part 1 an handwritten note tracing back the history of the copy:
“Cet ouvrage (…) a appartenu à François Guizot, ministre de la monarchie de Juillet. À sa mort, en 1874, il passa aux mains de Maurice Guillaume Guizot, fils de l’ancien ministre d Louis Philippe et de sa seconde femme Elisa Dillon, fille du comte Dillon. En 1892, à la mort de Maurice Guillaume, sa veuve le donna comme souvenir de son mari au cousin germain de ce dernier Jean Edmond Alexis Guizot, ancien conseiller d’ambassade à Naples et à Vienne, retiré dans sa propriété de Crépy en Valois. (Oise). Enfin, à la mort de ce dernier, en 1908, toute sa bibliothèque devint la propriété de Marie Antoinette Anne Gabrielle Guizot, veuve de Me Marge, avocat à Senlis, qui m’a cédé les 2 volumes en juillet 1941. Senlis le 27 juillet 1941.
G. Marpillat.”