PIRANESI, Francesco. Pianta delle fabriche esistenti nella Villa Adriana

Price : 38.000,00 

Piranesi preserved in its contemporary Roman bindings.
Precious collection of four important works on classical architecture and history of art, all sumptuously uniformly bound in contemporary calf.

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Piranesi, Francesco.  Pianta delle fabriche esistenti nella Villa Adriana. (Rome, 1781).

– And : [Monumenti degli Scipioni pubblicati dal cavaliere Francesco Piranesi. Rome: 1785.]

[And:] – Peintures de la Sala Borgia, au Vatican. Paris: Piranesi & Leblanc, Rome: Piroli, An II-1803.

[Bound with:] – Peintures de la Villa Lante a Rome. Paris: Piranesi & Leblanc, Rome: Piroli, Xn II-1803.

Hamilton, G. Schola Italica Picturae … incisae cura et impensis Gavin Hamilton. Rome, 1773.

4 folio volumes, brown calf, gilt decor, large brown losange in the center with flowers, angels and lions and a crown evoking the papal crown, wide border around the covers, darker, decorated with leaves and flowers, heads of lions and angels, spines ribbes remade, gilt edges. Rich Roman contemporary binding.

533 x 360 mm / 530 x 395 mm / 552 x 400 mm / 632 x 460 mm.

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Precious collection of four important works on classical architecture and history of art, all sumptuously uniformly bound in contemporary calf.

The collection consists of three works by Francesco Piranèse (1756-1810) and one work by Gavin Hamilton (1723-1798).

The illustration contains 1 map on 6 sheets, 6 engravings, 12 engravings on 6 sheets and 16 engravings on 8 sheets for Piranesi’s works, and 1 engraved title and 39 plates by Cunego and Volpato for Hamilton’s work.

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PIRANESI, Francesco.