SCHYNVOET, Simon. Voorbeeldex der Lusthof-Cieraaden zynde Piramiden, Eerzuylen en Andere Bywerken.

Price : 8.500,00 

First edition of 1704 engraved with 54 plates of garden decorations and obelisks on very large Holland paper preserved in its original binding, an absolutely rare condition.
A precious copy engraved on very large Holland paper (height: 444 mm) preserved in its first binding, an absolutely rare condition.

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[Amsterdam, H: de Witt, 1704].

30 plates.

Voorbeelden der Lusthof-Cieraaden, zynde vaasen, Pedestallen, Orangie Bakken, Blompotten En Andere Bywerken &c.

[Amsterdam, H: De Wit, 1704].

24 plates.

2 parts bound in one folio volume comprising 54 copper-engravings. Red half-sheepskin. 18th century binding.

444 x 278 mm.

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Exceedingly rare first edition complete with all 54 plates.

Berlin Katalog n° 3398 ; Guilmart, p. 513.

Complete sets of engravings after Simon Schynvoet (1653-1727), Dutch garden architect and collector, engraved by his son Jacobus (1653-after 1733) and by J. Goeree (1670-1731).

1st part contains 24 pl. (num. 1-24), all engraved by Jacobus Schynvoet, including a title p. and a dedication to Christoffel Van Brants; representing large vases, pedestals, plantpots, urns… placed in various garden settings.

2nd part contains 30 pl. (num. 1-30), engr. by Schynvoet (9), Goeree (19), Ruyter (1) and Scherm (1), incl. a title p. and a beautiful dedication to C. Van Brants picturing i.a. 12 smaller views of the Summer Palace in St Petersburg; representing funeral or marriage monuments, Baroque or Antique style obelisks…, arranged in foliage niches.

Here is Guilmart’s analysis “Les Maîtres Ornemanistes, Paris, 1880-1881, p. 513,54“:

“Louis XIV style.

Schynvoet (J.), architect in Amsterdam. 1701.

A suite of thirty pieces, obelisks. S. Schynvoet inv., J. Goree del et fecit. M.DCCI.

A suite of twenty-four pieces, vases. S. Schynvoet inv., J. Schynvoet fecit. Amsterdam by H. de Wit in Hugo Grottius. – Foulc Collection.

These pieces are very rich in composition and very well engraved.

Complete suite of two series of plates engraved in intaglio by Jan Goeree and Jacobus Schynvoet after drawings by the architect, horticulturist, poet and collector Simon Schynvoet (1652-1717) father of Jacobus. The first series consists of a title and 29 plates of pyramids and obelisks. The second series also includes an engraved title and 23 engravings of large vases and pedestals in beautiful garden settings.

A precious copy engraved on very large Holland paper (height: 444 mm) preserved in its first binding, an absolutely rare condition.

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